Podcast: One second randomly recorded in my living room
One million clicks per day
Repertoire catalogues:
Musical lipograms
Musical palindromes
Musical dice games
List of 12-tone solo violin works
List of concert-length solo violin works
List of works for violin and sine tones
open-instrumentation / open-duration / inexpensive-to-perform works
Listening to N vibrations
An audio-only clock of me continuously writing the time
UC San Diego Change Ringers
stone mute
Infinite violin bow
A website that plays a tone equal in Hz to the number of people viewing the site
early (or earliest) instances of harmonies with 6 or more pitches
favorite illustrations from music theory texts
Performances of a single sound repeated an increasing number of times
Performances with other performer/composers
An attempt to transcribe Milton Babbitt's only film score "Into the Good Ground"
Interval listening sessions
Podcast: 100 clicks in 10 minutes
Annual Evening of Jurg Frey String Quartets 2015 2016 2017
La Jolla Dodecaphic Society
Eroica opening chords
Listening to every Haydn minuet
Biber mystery sonatas with sine tone continuo
recreating pieces with measures from other pieces
New York Miniaturist Ensemble
Podcast: Reordered samples of a recording of her saying my name
Podcast: Sonification of mathematical equations
Kirnberger IV
Gathering to perform open-instrumentation / open-duration works
Gatherings to listen at interesting locations
ep9m: an audio rpg
slow SD festival