Erik Carlson - violin, electronics, keyboard, etc.

patterns, algorithms, catalogues, objects, concepts, rituals, etc.

Past and upcoming performances

My attempt at realizing Giovanni Battista Vitali's canon "Cantilena A Quattro",
which consists of a 3-pitch melody written in a circle around a single line,
containing all four classical transforations (P, R, I, RI) of a short motive.

February 16, 2025, 2:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Violin duos with my neighbor's cousin, Matt Hastings, part 6:
A transcription of a recording of two mostly-in-sync swings at my local playground

February 15, 2025, 2:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will open Hwang Eunyoung's book "Eb", which has two velcro squares attached to the inside covers
image 1 image 2

February 14, 2025, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will sing Eddie Davis's setting of the text:
"This is a song with music by Eddie Davis and text by Erik Carlson"

February 6, 2025, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A short tone.
1 second later, another short tone.
10 seconds later, another short tone.
100 seconds later, another short tone.
1000 seconds later, another short tone.
10000 seconds later, another short tone.
100000 seconds later, another short tone.
1000000 seconds later, another short tone.
10000000 seconds later, another short tone.
100000000 seconds later, another short tone.
1000000000 seconds later, another short tone.

February 5, 2025, 12:00:00 pm
February 5, 2025, 12:00:01 pm
February 5, 2025, 12:00:11 pm
February 5, 2025, 12:01:51 pm
February 5, 2025, 12:18:31 pm
February 5, 2025, 3:05:11 pm
February 6, 2025, 6:51:51 pm
February 18, 2025, 8:38:31 am
June 14, 2025, 2:25:11 am
August 14, 2028, 12:11:51 pm
April 22, 2060, 1:58:31 pm

A tone sustained for 1 second
A tone sustained for 10 seconds
A tone sustained for 100 seconds
A tone sustained for 1000 seconds

February 4, 2025, 2:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of sinetone chords that further explore the Square of Musical Consonances
from "Le Dimostrationi Harmoniche" by Gioseffo Zarlino.
A PD patch will play back 5- to 10-tone chords generated by various angles and placements of
an oblique line dividing the fives strings described by Zarlino.

February 3, 2025, 2:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Homage to Chris Otto:
My neighbor has a model train set. I put a speaker on a train car playing a 200 Hz tone,
and we made it go at a speed of 4 centimeters per second. The change in pitch from the Doppler effect
as it went past me was the interval of the Ragisma (4375:4374).

February 2, 2025, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

4 tones defining the points of a 1 Day X 1 Octave diamond

February 1, 2025, midnight, noon, midnight
House concert, San Diego

A performance of the systematic chord catalogue presented by Guido d'Arezzo
in his "Regulae rhythmicae in antiphonarii sui prologum prolatae"

January 31, 2025, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Homage to Bach:
A polyrhythm of 5348120645616 : 6191961169345 : 6791433619440 : 7527497542320
applied to the notes A, B-flat, B, and C, respectively,
beginning at midnight on the day of Bach's birth, and stretching out over 119182868587552560 seconds,
will results in the B-A-C-H permutation on four consecutive seconds (one note per second), at 2:02:05pm today

January 30, 2025, 2:02:05pm - 2:02:09pm
House concert, San Diego

I will repeatedly say "this phrase is [x] milliseconds long" until I'm accurate (as measured by a PD patch)

January 29, 2025, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A walk through the UC San Diego campus, discovering and revisiting doors that create
a delightful difference in ambient sound when open vs closed.
examples I've recorded in the past

January 28, 2025, 1:30pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic sonification of the capital O in various fonts by generating a waveform from tracing the outer perimeter over time
(a perfect circle would generate a pure sine tone)

January 27, 2025, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I got a wooden box which has interior dimensions of 1 foot X 1 foot X 1 foot.
I put a speaker in it which will play a soft tone, generating 1 cubic foot of sound.

January 26, 2025, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Manfred Werder's "stück 2003 (1)"
3 performers, 1 tone played twice.
performed with Ellie Moser and Rob Nelson

January 25, 2025, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Watching pedestrians walk by my window. I will play a D4 if I recognize them and E4 if I don't.

January 23, 2025, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic sonification of the keys in my house generated by tracing the bitting patterns into a PD patch and looping them

January 22, 2025, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I sent out sheets of (almost) blank music paper to 30 friends.
Each sheet was pre-marked into 60 measures, each measure representing 1 second.
I invited each friend to spend one minute putting notes or other compositional marks on the page.
I will play the set of thirty 1-minute pieces as a collection (in the order I received them).

January 21, 2025, 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An attempt to mentally connect with a moment in the future:
Every day until January 20, 2035, on day N there will be a 1/(3654-N) chance that I will play a tone
(randomly determined by a little program I wrote)
so that today (Day 1) I will have a 1/3653 chance of playing a tone,
and on January 20, 2035 (Day 3653) I will have a 1/1 certainty of playing a tone

January 20, 2025 - January 20, 2035, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A performance of the warm-ups I've collected from 30 string players. (The first thing they play after tuning their instruments.)

January 19, 2025, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of transcriptions of videos I've taken of flashing construction light clusters.
video example

January 18, 2025, 2:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An attempt to imitate the interpretation of 50 recordings of the first chord of Bach's Chaconne

January 17, 2025, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A performance of "This song is being performed by [name] in [location]"
The performer uses their own name and their current physical location (however they would like to name it, and changing the preposition "in" if necessary).
All the words are intoned on a single pitch in the tempo of speech, with a break for breath as needed.

January 16, 2025, 2:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Violin duos with my neighbor's cousin, Matt Hastings, part 5:
Audience members can enter my apartment one at a time.
Each listener will get an improvized, unique 4-note chord sustained for one minute.

January 11, 2025, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Violin duos with my neighbor's cousin, Matt Hastings, part 4:
One player sustains a tone while the other player tries to tune a note 1 Hz above the first tone.
When satisfied with the tuning, the players switch roles:
the player of the higher tone keeps sustaining their pitch and the player of the lower tone
tries to tune a new note 1 Hz higher.

January 11, 2025, 3:30pm
House concert, San Diego

Violin duos with my neighbor's cousin, Matt Hastings, part 3:
Both players sustain a tone, one player trying to play in an exact unison,
and the other player trying to maintain a constant quarter-tone difference between the two tones.

January 11, 2025, 2:50pm
House concert, San Diego

Violin duos with my neighbor's cousin, Matt Hastings, part 2:
One player starting high on a string and the other player starting low on the same string,
both players glissando towards each other's pitch until reaching a unison,
each at their own (perhaps uneven) pace.

January 11, 2025, 2:25pm
House concert, San Diego

Violin duos with my neighbor's cousin, Matt Hastings, part 1:
Players alternate 1-second tones (with no space between)
each time playing any note they choose between D4 and D5

January 11, 2025, 2:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will listen to a single cycle of a 77.6 Hz tone, played from a speaker on my desk,
which will completely fill my office with vibration for a single moment in time.
(the tone will stop playing from the speaker just as the vibration reaches the farthest corner of the room)

January 7, 2025, 2:00pm
House concert, San Diego

For a week, I'll have a microphone set up outside my house, connected to a PD patch, which will catalogue all the frequenies
that pass a certain threshold of duration and clarity from midnight to midnight.
The next day, I will listen to the resulting chord made from sinetones of those frequencies.

January 4, 2025, 2:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A minute of sound at noon.
I will sustain 20 seconds of the pitch D4 starting at noon, San Diego time,
followed by 20 seconds of silence, and then another 20 seconds of D4.
I invite anyone who wants to participate to play during the middle 20 seconds of the minute,
creating a continuous sound between us.

January 2, 2025, 12:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone at the 37597th square-numbered second since my birth

10:44:01 AM, January 1, 2025
House concert, San Diego

Crab Canon
Sometime during the year 2025, my friend Eddie Davis and I will each play a single note on a piano
and send a postcard to the other performer indicating which note was played and the exact time it was played.
In 2026, both performers will play the other player's note, but at the time measured after midnight on January 1, 2026
equal to the time before January 1, 2026 that the other player's original note was played.


I have a calendar, created through a secret process,
that predicts moments throughout the year 2025 when I should listen for prominent tones.
I will keep a journal of those tones and play them in sequence at noon on December 31.


Ellie and I have a long practice of reading by the ocean at sunsent.
I will play a tone at the clock-time of every sunset we attended in the year 2024.

December 31, 2024
House concert, San Diego

Tones at the 53138th and 53139th traingular-numbered seconds since my birth
8:39:51 am and 11:25:30 pm

December 28, 2024
House concert, San Diego

Each minute, for one hour, electronic playback of musical palindromes:
During each minute N, N randomly-placed short electronic tones sounded in the first 30 seconds of the minute,
and in the second half of each minute, a reverse playback of the tones from the first 30 seconds.

December 27, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will listen to a short tone from a speaker that is 0.81 meters away from my ear,
so that at the moment I first hear the tone, the resulting sphere of sound
will be increasing at a rate of 2,832 cubic meters per second,
equal to the the estimated high-season flow of water of Niagara Falls

December 18, 2024, 12:00pm
House concert, Floyd Knobs, Indiana

I will listen to a sine tone tuned to 31 1399/1971 Hz, or 1 billion vibrations per year

December 17, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, Floyd Knobs, Indiana

Stereo playback of an hour-long, 2-sine-tone piece that is an exact retrograde inversion of itself,
in which at every point in time 1/N of the way through the hour,
the left channel sine tone (frequency = 1/18 * t [time in seconds])
will have vibrated 1/N as many times as the right channel sine tone (frequency = 100)

December 16, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, Floyd Knobs, Indiana

Two microphones, one outside my office and one outside my home, each connected to a PD patch,
will carry on a night dialoague over the internet from sundown to sun up.
Each location will record the ambient sounds around it for 6 seconds,
mix it (50/50 balance) with the 6 seconds of audio just received from the other location,
and send that composite audio in realtime to the other location to remix with a new live recording.
I will listen in on the back-and-forth from my home speakers.

December 1-2, 2024, sunset to dawn
San Diego

A two-month palindrome
During the month of December, I will play a tone (D4) in the second before noon on every day that I am able.
During the month of January, I will play the same tone in the second after noon on every day that I am able.
Retroactively, only the reflected tone-pairs that I was able to play in both months are an official part of the piece

December 2024 and January 2025

Playback of a recording of the ventilation system in Alexander Refsum Jensenius's office at the University of Oslo,
which inspired the International Workshop on the Aesthetics of Ventilation Sound
link to the Workshop website

November 27, 2024, 3:00pm
Studio 365, CPMC Building, UC San Diego

A PD patch monitors the pitch of my violin playing, and also tracks a silent 24-hour glissando (midnight to midnight).
The silent glissando begins and ends randomly between A4 and A5.
For a few minutes, I will sustain a single pitch between A4 and A5,
and if the silent glissando and my sustained pitch intersect,
the PD patch will play a sine tone at the intersecting moment, at the intersecting pitch

November 25, 2024, 12:00pm
House concert, San Diego

My attempt at re-writing Bach chorales so that every chord is in a +1 higher inversion (highest inversion circling back to root position)
with period-appropriate voice leading and doublings.

November 24, 2024, 12:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I spent the afternoon bicycling around my neighborhood and taking pictures of buildings with multiple house numbers,
which I will listen to this evening as sine-wave intervals and chords with the frequency ratios of those numbers.
example 1 example 2 example 3 example 4

November 18, 2024, 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Complementary hexachords that have nearly identical frequency-sums in equal temperament

November 2, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of the 12413 combinations of Just Intervals that fill one octave,
using only interval ratios with the numbers 1 through 14.
(One chord per second, using sine tones between 200 Hz and 400 Hz)

November 1, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The 90 arrangements of 4 pitches in 4 beats, such that there are 2 notes in every beat, and each pitch is sounded twice

October 27, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I bought an hourglass and removed the top. One at a time, I will invite each audience member to take some sand and put it into the hourglass.
For each, I will sustain a tone for as long as it takes the sand to fall to the bottom.

October 26, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

3-note chord difference-tone chains
A PD patch beings with 3 tones randomly chosen between 100 Hz and 4000 Hz,
and then plays a sequence of difference-tone chords (each chord consists of the 3 difference tones of the previous chord)
until there are fewer than 3 distinct tones, one or more tones falls below 20 Hz, or the chord is an exact repetition of the previous chord

October 25, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Rhythmic permutations written by Leonhard Euler in an unpublished notebook (F. 136, op. 1, no. 129, ll. 48ob-50)

October 23, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Part 2 of the series Old Long Notes:
On my electric organ, I will sustain
this cluster
from the opening of Verdi's Otello, which lasts for 250 measures

October 21, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone sustained for a duration equal to the duration between the beginning of the tone and
a point in time before the tone began, chosen (in the moment) by the performer but unknown to the audience.

October 20, 2024, around 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Part 1 of the series Old Long Notes:
On my electric organ, I will sustain
this chord
from the opening of Bach's Sonata for violin and continuo in E minor, BWV 1023, which lasts for 29 measures

October 19, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every permutation (90) of 2 D's, 2 E's, and 2 rests, distributed between 3 lines,
which when played together, results in every permutation (30) of 1 D, 1 E and 4 D-E dyads.

October 18, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Recorded playback of the variations of the sound of my building's back gate closing,
recorded over the past 6 months.
example 22 example 95

October 16, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonifications of a catalogue of mathematical spirals:
2 sine-tones (1 for the x-axis, 1 for the y-axis) indicating the position of a point that moves uniformly along each spiral

October 14, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Chorals generated by the dice-and-chart-based process described by J. R. Pierce and Mary E. Shannon in 1949
in their Bell Labs Technical Memorandum "Composing Music by a Stochastic Process" (MM-49-150-20)

October 13, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every permutation (56) of 5 notes in 8 beats, distributed between 2 lines,
which when played together, results in every permutation (28) of 6 notes in 8 beats.

October 12, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A MIDI performance of some organ works by Bach, interpreting repetitions of each pitch as alternating note-on and note-off indications
(sustaining each note until the next occurrence of that pitch)

October 11, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A small device that generates a single short click at exactly 1:15pm,
hidden by a friend of mine somewhere in the eucalyptus grove just southeast of the faculty club at UCSD.
I will go and listen for it.

October 10, 2024, 4:30pm
UCSD campus, San Diego

A series of tones: starting with C5 sustained for 6 seconds, each subsequent tone varies from the previous tone by 2 degrees,
randomly chosen from the following list (which could include duplicates or cancellations)
1 degree could be: up a half step, down a half step, shorter by 1/2 seconds, or longer by 1/2 seconds.

October 4, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A metronome set at 60 bpm, attached to a small electric car calibrated to move at 1 foot per second,
creating a series of clicks that travel 1 foot-second per click.

October 2, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A PD patch plays the complete-consonance chords from Leonhard Euler's "Tentamen Novae Theoriae Musicae"

September 30, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 2.278-second (adjusted based on current weather data) tone from a speaker placed on the ground,
which at the moment the tone ends will create a half-sphere of sound with a volume of 1 cubic kilometer.

September 29, 2024, 3:00pm
Anza-Borrego Desert

A 1/343-second (adjusted based on current weather data) pulse of a 2000 Hz tone,
creating a 1 meter sound wave.

September 28, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

My wife Ellie and I will alternate playing short tones, me from my UCSD office, and Ellie from our home,
timed so that I will play a tone when her tone would theoretically reach me,
traveling at the speed of sound (adjusted for climate), and vice-versa.

September 27, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A recreation of a pair of simultaneous electronic audio installations I made for the Hermetic Art Party at UC San Diego in 2018
organized by Madison Greenstone and Anthony Vine
Installation 1: a dominant 7th chord: 4 Hz, 5 Hz, 6 Hz, and 7 Hz
Installation 2: each second, there is a 1/10000 chance of a digital click

September 24, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A small speaker, suspended in the middle of a large room, playing a soft tone.
I will adjust the volume until the total audible extent of the tone (as experienced and measured by myself)
is a sphere with a total volume of 250 cubic meters.

September 23, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of 2 sine tones diverging and converging over one minute (or less)
with frequencies based on the edges of a series of randomly-generated triangles in a space where
the x-axis represents time from 0-60 seconds,
and the y-axis represents the interval of an octave (on a logarithmic scale) from 100 Hz to 200 Hz

September 22, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

4 electronic clicks every 4 seconds.
In the first 4-second block, the clicks are at timings 0.5", 1.5", 2.5", and 3.5".
In each subsequent 4-second block, the first click moves to a random timing between 0.0" and the previous second click,
the second click moves to a random timing between the new first click and the previous third click,
the third click moves to a random timing between the new second click and the previous fourth click,
and the fourth click moves to a random timing between the new third click and 4.0".

September 21, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of tones which are octave-reductions of partials (brought to between 200 Hz and 400 Hz):
the Nth tone being the N!(th) partial (above 200 Hz).

September 20, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of tones which are octave-reductions of partials (brought to between 200 Hz and 400 Hz):
the Nth tone being the Nth triangular number(th) partial (above 200 Hz).

September 19, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification of decimal expansions of fractions n/49, for n=1 to 48, using a simple digit to pitch mapping.
(Each pattern ending after 3 cycles of repeating digits)

September 18, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Bach's Chaconne, but only the notes at or above E5

September 17, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Using 4 sinetone oscillators, I will try to trisect a 3:2 fifth by ear
(2 fixed oscillators for the fifth, and 2 adjustable oscillators for the trisection)

September 16, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sequence of tones. Each new tone is the lowest possible pitch (on the violin, 12 pitches per octave),
so that no sub-sequence of any length is adjacently repeated in the total sequence.

September 15, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Melodies derived from Richard Pinkerton's Banal Tune Maker

September 14, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Mutually orthagonal Latin squares as pitch/duration generators:
Latin squares (using the numbers 1-4) of order 4 are paired together, generating 4 voices (the horizontal lines);
the numbers of one square interpreted as pitches (D4 - F4) and the numbers of the paired square interpreted as durations (1-4 beats).
performed with Ellie Moser

September 13, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An excerpt from pi (1-2594) by Michael Pisaro
The decimal digits of pi, one digit per 5 seconds,
each digit indicates the number of times to play a single tone at 120 bpm

September 12, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

For 21 minutes: each minute, a series of tones (D4) sustained for a randomly-chosen number of beats
at tempos increasing each minute from 50 bpm (minute 1) to 70 bpm (minute 21)
(limited to durations between 3 and 12 seconds long)

September 11, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A complete cycle of the isorhythm from the piano part of the first movement of Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time
[Post-performance note: this turned out to be a bit beyond my keyboard skills]

September 1, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, Stillwater, Minnesota

For a few minutes, two elements: every 20 seconds, a left-hand pizzicato D4 (open III) and a 5-second arco D4 (sul IV),
randomly placed in time within each 20-second block.

August 30, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of octave-reduced ultra-high partials, Part I

One Googol (10^100) = 231.37138 cents

Largest known prime number (2^282,589,933 - 1) = 1199.99999999999914780 cents

Archimedes's myriad-myriad units of the myriad-myriadth order of the myriad-myriadth period
((10^8)^(10^8))^(10^8) = 764.40532 cents

August 1, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Selections from my collection of 12-beat, one-octave variations on an ascending chromatic scale
the collection

July 30, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

All-harmony prolation canons
(Prolation canons which result in all possible harmonies, once and only once, ignoring pitch doublings,
based on the number of voices and the number of pitches that are used, with no grand pauses.)

July 17, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An electronic drone of a 6-tone chord made from the largest intervals on the unit circle in various Prime Tuning Planes
(where intervals are represented by lines with the equation Interval = A^x * B^y for various values of A and B)
fuller explanation

July 16, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A one-second 44.1k recording of a 200 Hz sine wave is looped, morphing into a 201 Hz sine wave
over 12 1/4 hours by changing one randomly-selected sample on each repetition.

June 30, 2024, 11:00am - 11:15pm
House concert, San Diego

The 42 two-voice resolutions of the polymorphic canon "Amor quis maior patet" by Pier Francesco Valentini

June 26, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A shifting 4-note chord generated by the points of intersection of a rotating square and the unit circle,
generated on a tuning plane (where intervals are represented by lines with the equation Interval = A^x * B^y)
with A and B chosen such when the square's vertices are on the axes, the points of intersection with the unit circle
correspond to intervals that generate a 5-limit minor 7th chord (10:12:15:18).
fuller explanation

June 25, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A collection of rhythmic canons that result in phrases of words in Morse Code
(3 morse code keyers connected in parallel so that if any are depressed, there is a tone)

June 24, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of musical intervals determined by various architectural dimension-ratios in my home
(height and width of walls, doors, windows, drawers, etc.)

June 23, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 2-voice canons using 3 pitches,
such that the resulting composite contains the 8 possible permutations of notes and rests in 3 beats
and sounds every possible harmony twice.

June 22, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various 4-voice rhythmic canons, such that the resulting composite rhythm contains the 16 possible cominations of notes and rests in 4 beats
(played on piano with a unique pitch for each voice)

June 18, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Selections from 97806 Complete-Harmony Canons for 3 voices and 5 pitches
(A Complete-Harmony Canon is a canon which results in all possible harmonies, based on the number of voices
and the collection of pitches that are used, once and only once, ignoring pitch doublings.)

June 14, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I'll sing the rarest melodic interval in the works of Josquin
which, as far as I can find, is E-flat to A, and only occurs once (a hapax legomena).
excerpt of the score for the Credo of Missa Une mousse de Biscaye

June 13, 2024, 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Counting from 1 to 100 using various historical variations of the game Fizz Buzz

June 11, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Complete-Harmony Canons
Melodies in which every possible harmony (using N available pitches) is represented once by a group of M adjacent notes
(ignoring pitch doublings), for various values of N and M

June 9, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A transcription of a stoplight at UCSD repeating a beautiful phrase with unclear purpose
excerpt of the original field recording

June 7, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An electronic drone of the largest interval on the unit sphere in 5-limit space (interval ratio = 2^x * 3^y * 5^z)
fuller explanation

May 31, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An electronic drone of the largest interval on the unit circle in a 3-limit plane (interval ratio = 2^x * 3^y)
fuller explanation

May 29, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A transcription of a recording of the out-of-battery fire alarm chirps in the under-consruction motel across the street from my home.
There are many alarms, ranging roughly from G7 to G#7 in pitch, varying in dynamic, and with seemingly irregular timings.
a representative excerpt of the recording (the full recording is an hour long and was made at night, when the chirps are most audible).

May 27, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Bach's Chaconne, with the order of measures reversed

May 26, 2024, 3:30pm
House concert, San Diego

Bach's Chaconne, with the order of notes in each measure reversed

May 26, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

For the second perforance of the Anything's A Canon If You Play It That Way Ensemble,
I'll performance various chants from the Liber Usualis that are playable as two-voice 2:1 prolation canons on the violin.

May 24, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

"Drip Music" by George Brecht
Dripping water into a vessel.

May 22, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The inaugural performance of the Anything's A Canon If You Play It That Way Ensemble,
performing the inspiration for the group: a melody from "Renart le nouvel" from around 1300 (Paris, Bibl. Nat. fr. 25566),
which, in 1913, Johannes Wolf pointed out would sound good as a 3-voice canon.

May 20, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The single-sound version of "7" by Mitchell Carlstrom.
A Max-patch playback of a 15-voice prolation canon in which all voices continuously repeat a single live-recorded sound every 1.5 seconds,
(in this case a sustained E4 on the violin, slightly glissandoing downward)
but with every voice phasing by a few milliseconds each repetition, so as to complete a full cycle of the resulting polyrhythm in 10 minutes.

May 19, 2024, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 20 tones at moments that divide the day into rational ratios.
In the order they will occur during the hour of this performance:
2:1, 27:13, 25:12, 23:11, 21:10, 19:9, 17:8, 15:7, 13:6, 24:11, 11:5, 20:9, 9:4, 25:11, 16:7, 23:10, 7:3, 26:11, 19:8, 12:5

May 14, 2024, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each minute, a binary representation of the number of minutes that have passed since
exactly 1 trillion (Julian) years before the beginning of the performance.
(one digit per second; a tone for 1, a rest for 0)

May 13, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The 639th tone in a series of 1001 tones evenly spaced out between
the 1000 years between 1388 and 2388 (beginning and ending at midnight on January 1)
Here is a webpage to generate other performances

May 12, 2024, 2:30:20pm
House concert, San Diego

A sonification of the powers of ten from 10^1 to 10^100, converted to base twelve, creating chords using a simple number-to-pitch mapping.

May 10, 2024, 3:00pm
Organ studio, UCSD, San Diego

Tuning a 3:2 fifth (C4 and G4) with another player over a network connection with a 15-second delay in both directions.
performed with Paul Oliver

May 8, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Tones sustained for various non-second-based units of time
microfortnight, true-binary second, vighati, mars-minute, milliday, minor ke, moment, kermit, etc.

May 6, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A piece for 3 or more players (sitting in a circle, following a clock, and rotating roles) in which during each minute:
one performer remains silent, one performer plays a short tone whenever they want,
and all other performers play a short tone at the time halfway between
when the 2 performers to their right played tones during the previous minute.
full score
Performed with Ellie Moser and Paul Oliver

May 5, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Palindromic tones, for any number of players.
A duration is chosen for the piece. Performers sustain one or more tones or sounds, each beginning any time in the first half of the piece,
and each ending in the second half of the piece so as to form a palindrome around the middle moment of the piece.

May 4, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

"Erwartung 1" by Eva-Maria Houben
a free exploration of a single sonority from Schoenberg's "Erwartung"

May 3, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Organized Chaconne: the sonorities of Bach's Chaconne, organized by pitch, duration, and number of notes.

May 2, 2024, 1:00pm
House concert, San Diego

For the month of May: each day an increasing superparticular-ratio polyrhythm, with an hour duration for one cycle
3:2. 4:3, 5:4, etc.

May 1-31, 2024, 10:00am - 11:00am
House concert, San Diego

A series of 10 tones at moments that divide the year into rational ratios.
In the order they will occur during the 40 minutes of this performance:
122:245, 123:247, 124:249, 125:251, 126:253, 127:255, 128:257, 129:259, 130:261, 131:263

May 1, 2024, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Slice of a 24-hour polyrhythm, for any number of players.
Each player is assigned a unique number from a list of any consecutive prime numbers, and also assigned a unique tone or sound.
These numbers each divide the day into that number of equal parts (for example, the prime 101 divides the day into 101 equal parts).
Each performer plays a short tone or sound at the beginning of each division associated with their number.
The piece ends as soon as everyone has played at least one tone.

April 27, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Page 1009 of Manfred Werder's "stück 1998"
each of the 4000 pages (performed in order over the span of all performances) consists of 80 pitches,
each pitch sustained for 6 seconds (if any the performing instrument(s) are able), followed by 6 seconds of silence

April 26, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An hour of tones at moments that divide the year into 100000 equal parts

April 24, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sonic clock, with 3 static tones: 352 Hz represents seconds, 264 Hz represents minutes, and 198 Hz represents hours.
Additionally, 3 tones repeatedly glissando downwards (smoothly), creating beating with the 3 other tones at a rate of 1 Hz per time unit
(For example, at 8:03:14, 352 Hz will be beating at 14 times per second, 264 Hz will have 3 beats per second, and 198 will have 8 beats per second)

12:00 AM, April 8 - 12:00 AM, April 9, 2024
House concert, San Diego

I will randomly choose either 2 preludes or 2 fugues from the Well Tempered Clavier and line them up
according to notated durations, e.g. quarter note equals quarter note (as opposed to considering tempo or barlines),
and play only the unisons between the pieces

April 7, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will play through 7 modulation circles from Georg Joseph Vogler's "Gründe der Kuhrpfälzischen Tonschule"

April 6, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The complete modulations from Francesco Geminiani's "Guida Armonica"
sample page

April 5, 2024, 2:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A transcription of occurrences of the "dun-dun" sound from season 14 of Law and Order, each occurrence represented by playing a single note on the piano,
the 24 episodes overlaid on each other in time, each episode mapped to a different pitch (episode 1 = G3, episode 2 = G#3, etc.)

April 4, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Alternating tone and silence: starting with one second of silence,
a tone begins when the total duration of tone (in seconds) is less than the cube root of the total piece duration so far,
and the tone pauses when the total duration of tone is greater than the square root of the total piece duration so far.

April 3, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sustained sine tone (200 Hz), repeated 100 times, each repetition with the envelope of a recording of the flush of a different toilet
(as processed through a PD patch)

April 1, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

"Für Elise. Preface" by Anton Svetlichny
The motive from Fur Elise, starting halfway through the fourth complete measure and ending on the downbeat of measure five, repeated,
each time with an increasing number of E-D# alternations.

March 30, 2024, 3:00pm
CPMC Recital Hall, UCSD

For each measure of Beethoven's "Für Elise", all pitches compressed into a single chord
by Johannes Kreidler

March 29, 2024, 3:00pm
CPMC Recital Hall, UCSD

An alphabetical list of English words that are palindromes in Morse Code, typed out on a homemade telegraph key

March 24, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sonification of prime numbers that are palindromes in base 12, using a simple digit-to-pitch mapping

March 23, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of a series of recordings I've made
of incredible-sounding refrigerator drones from local businesses in my neighborhood

March 22, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An arrangement of the Prelude to Das Rheingold for one octave on the piano

March 20, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sonification/transcription of the use of pedals in my car during my commute on two consecutive days using the same route at the same time of day.
D4 for gas, E4 for brake. G string for day 1 and D string for day 2.

March 19, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

12-note chords played on piano (4 hands). The notes of the chords are determined by the proccess of beginning on middle C and then, through random choice,
moving either up or down a major 7th, from there moving up or down a minor 7th, and so on through the interval of a minor 2nd.
(note duplications are possible)

March 18, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of a series of justly-tuned major 7th chords, beginning with 8:10:12:15,
with the smallest possible tuning variations so that the implied fundamental of each chord in the sequence is 1 Hz, 1/2 Hz, 1/3 Hz, 1/4 Hz, etc.

March 17, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of 6 units of measurement, separated by 10 seconds of silence:
-A sustained sample value of 1 (assuming -1 and 1 are the limits of sample values).
-1 vibration (a single complete sine cycle of air pressure).
-A 1 Hz tone.
-A glissando increasing pitch at 1 Hz per second.
-A glissando increasing pitch at 1 Hz per second per second.
-A glissando increasing pitch at 1 Hz per second per second per second.

March 16, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A realtime transcription of my refrigerator running for an hour, played on the violin

March 15, 2024, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will tune a 29th partial to a fundamental on the violin, at HO scale (1:87)

March 14, 2024, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of a sonification of the slope of the first 100 unique staircases that
I ascended since January 1, 2023. Played as 2 tones with the same ratio as the rise/run ratio

March 12, 2024, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Bach chorales played on piano, with durations of the chords such that
each chord has the same number of total vibrations

March 11, 2024, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

If a unit between two waves is defined as the distance between the sample values 0 and 1 sustained for 1 second
(assuming -1 and 1 are the limits of sample values)
I will sustain an open A string until there have been 1000 units of difference between
my tone and a 440 Hz sine wave, as measured by a PD patch

March 10, 2024, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

8x8 grids of pitch and time (8 pitches: C4-G4, and 8 beats),
each played twice on electric organ as complementary 8-beat phrases:
1st time, half the points on the grid (randomly chosen) are played, half are silent;
2nd time, a reverse image (notes and rests are switched).

March 9, 2024, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will sustain an open A string for one bow, 100 times,
which will be recorded and the durations measured by a PD patch,
which will then create a looped electronic tone with 100 cycles,
the length of each cycle proportional to the corresponding bow length (in a 1:1000 ratio)
and then the patch will play back 100 notes, using the generated tone, that are the same lengths as my original notes.

March 7, 2024, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I'll connect a laser distance measurer to a PD patch,
which will produce a tone with the same wavelength as the distance being measured

March 5, 2024, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of piano chords in which the sum of the frequencies of the 6 sounding tones
almost equals the sum of the frequencies of the 15 difference tones

March 1, 2024, 1:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Selections from John Eagle's "incomplete polyrhythms"
a catalog of all the note/rest combinations for polyrhythms using the numbers 1-5

February 28, 2024, 4:00pm
CPMC Recital Hall, UCSD

An electronic drone consisting of the notes A2, A3, and A4, with the addition of
myself on violin sustaining various pitches between A3 and A4.
All resulting 4-note chords will have the property that the sum of the 4 sounding frequencies
will be equal to the sum of the 6 difference-tone frequencies.

February 27, 2024, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sine tone increases in volume (from zero) over a long but randomly selected duration
When I can perceive the tone, I trigger a new tone (which again begins with zero volume and increases).

January 31, 2024, 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will sustain a tone so that at the end of the tone, it's duration will have been equal to one millionth of my life so far.

December 23, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I'm going to attempt to tune a piano to very near Equal Temperament by ear, using Carlson Keyboard Tuning IIb,
which is a 7-limit, tunable-by-ear tuning that contains a version of each pitch class that is less than one cent away from ET
(which can then be used to tune a second piano extremely close to Equal Temperament)
the system

December 21, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

1000+ vatiations of a melodic C-major triad (through pitch-permutations and various rhythmic patterns)
as catalogued by Christian Gottlieb Ziegler in his "Anleitung zur musikalischen Composition"

December 19, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An attempt at a transposition-arrangment of Bach's Chaconne to C# minor, for solo violin

December 17, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A collection of comma pumps for solo violin

December 15, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A repeated tone that begins with a 1-second duration and decreases in duration by 1 millisecond each repetition
until I can no longer keep up
(played with the guidance of an in-ear click track)

December 8, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will sustain a note on the violin until two consecutive peaks of the soundwave have the same 16-bit value
as measured by a PD patch

December 7, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each second, either C4 or E4 is played on an equal-tempered piano,
depending on which brings the cumulative total vibrations of the two tones closer to a 5:4 ratio

September 28, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The first 10000 vibrations of each movement from the Bach Sonatas and Partitas,
assuming A440 and 3- and 5-limit tuning

September 27, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

After beginning with a 12-note cluster on the piano (C4-B4),
the pitch with the fewest cumulative vibrations so far in the piece is sounded each second.

August 9, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

4 pitches (D, D#, E, F in 120:128:135:144 tuning). Each second, one or more tones sound,
depending on which combination creates the best equilibrium between two partially-conflicting goals:
1) equal cumulative vibrations of each tone
2) equal cumulative duration of each tone

August 8, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Deriving the interval the Atom of Kirnberger
(2 players alternate pitches from the score, overlapping each other)

August 7, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of similar melodies over chord progressions consisting of every permutation of the chords d e F G a (always beginning and ending on C)
from Joseph Riepel's "Anfangsgründe zur musicalischen Setzkunst" Book II

August 6, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A polyrhythm 1:2:3:4...999:1000, with a single full cycle equaling 1 year in duration
I will play an hour excerpt in real-time, assuming the cycle began at midnight on January 1

August 5, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of 3600 different just major thirds; 1 per second

March 4, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Bach's Chaconne played in 1-limit tuning

February 15, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Chords which have almost the identical sum of frequencies in equal temperament and in Kirnberger III
(avoiding the unison reference tuning note, A). Performed on 2 electric organs.

February 12, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Melodies on a grand piano in which the wavelength of each pitch determines the next pitch (the wavelength equals the distance between the piano strings)

February 8, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A transcription of my car's turn signal during a full round-trip to my office and back home (about an hour)

February 7, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

100 one-second chords that approximate 5000 total vibrations

February 6, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

For the month of February, a tone at noon if it rained the day before.

February, 2023
San Diego

Chords that approximate integer numbers of vibrations on an equal-tempered keyboard

January 29, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An audio version of Christoph Korn's Max-patch that counts to 5 over 3 days

January 26-28, 2023
House concert, San Diego

A sinetone sonification of Lars Wander's line-permutation pen drawings
link to an example original image
link to the audio file of the sonificaiton of 5 lines

January 10, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The first in my project to play 23376 evenly spaced tones over the 1 million years after my birth

January 9, 2023, 9:14am
House concert, San Diego

The first in my project to play 23377 evenly spaced tones over the 1 million years after my birth

January 8, 2023, 5:20pm
House concert, San Diego

A 3-limit C-hexachord-based violin solo in which every pair of sonorities has one more vibration than the previous pair.

January 4, 2023, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A game where two people take turns singing notes with the text of a note name:
the text of the note is the name of the pitch for the next person to sing,
the pitch of the note is the pitch given to them by the text of the previous note.
(for example: singing the text "C-sharp" on an E means that the other singer will next sing on the pitch C sharp,
and the text of the other singer's previous note was "E".)
December 29, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Recreating a 5-limit tuning matrix by placing small oscillators at street intersections (1 tone per intersection) in Pacific Beach.

December 28, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Playing through the Bach B-minor Partita but only sounding a pitch if it the lowest or highest pitch yet in the current movement.

December 27, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sequence of notes such that each new note in the sequence is the lowest pitch (on the violin, 12 pitches per octave) such that
the new pitch and the 4 notes before it are not an exact repetition of any previous 5-note sub-sequence

December 24, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sequence of notes such that each new note in the sequence is the lowest pitch (on the violin, 12 pitches per octave) such that
the new pitch and the 3 notes before it are not an exact repetition of any previous 4-note sub-sequence

December 23, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sequence of notes such that each new note in the sequence is the lowest pitch (on the violin, 12 pitches per octave) such that
the new pitch and the 3 notes before it do not have the same pitch-content of any previous 4-note sub-sequence, disregarding pitch order

December 22, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sequence of notes such that each new note in the sequence is the lowest pitch (on the violin, 12 pitches per octave) such that
the new pitch and the 3 notes before it do not have the same pitch-content of any previous 4-note sub-sequence, disgregarding pitch order and repetition

December 21, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each minute, tone and silence, beginning with one second of tone,
and layering on a new one-second duration of tone each minute, randomly placed,
with the possibility that the second-long durations of tone can overlap
(performed as electronic playback)

November 13, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sonification of the time the moon is visible from my home during one month
each day mapped to one minute of performance time

November 12, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

After posting the link online, I will listen for an hour to a website that plays a tone
equal in Hz to the number of people currently viewing the site

November 11, 2022, 12:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The first movement of Bach's D-minor partita, with each measure replaced by the closest match
from the violin parts of Haydn's symphonites

November 10, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

My friend Eddie Davis and I will each choose a frequency and duration and share them with each other.
Then we will both listen to the tone which is halfway between our chosen frequencies, for a duration halfway between our chosen durations

November 9, 2022, 11:00am PDT
House concerts, San Diego and New Haven

Various 3-note patterns turned into fractal patterns by simple repeated replacement,
iterated on the violin until they exceed a 3-octave range

October 15, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A full peal of the 2-bell (change-ringing) method

October 14, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

60 variations of irregular one-minute glissandos from A5 to A4

October 13, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 4-tone chord, for which the 6 internal intervals
are intersections of a lituus spiral and the polar axis

October 10, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The interval of a googol to one.
A googol Hz brought down 324 octaves is ~292.605 Hz; 1 Hz raised 8 octaves to 256 Hz.
(10^100 : 2^332)

October 6, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 4-tone chord, for which the 6 difference-tones contain a transposition of
both the original chord and its inversion

September 28, 2022, 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each second N, the sinetone integer frequencies 1 through N played simultaneously (in phase)

July 14, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Playback of a microtonal scale made from recordings of electric fans

July 13, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

10-second iterations of compounding frequency modulation, beginning with a sine tone

July 12, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

1000 digital clicks randomly played over an hour

July 11, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each minute for an hour, an electronic tone ascends from 100 Hz to 200 Hz
along the equation frequency = 100 * t^m + 100, where t is the amount of the minute that has passed (from 0 - 1)
and m is the number of the minute within the hour (1 - 60)

June 20, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Two metronomes: one at 60 bpm, and one following the equation: tempo = (60 * (sqrt(8*time + 9) + 2)/sqrt(8*time + 9)), where time is measured in seconds
The continuously slowing metronome will shadow superparticular polyrhythms with the 60 bpm pulse:
sounding 3 times in the first 2 seconds, 4 times in the following 3 seconds, etc.

May 14, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sine tone decreases in volume over a long but randomly selected duration
When I'm sure I can't perceive it any more, I trigger a new tone

May 12, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of a never-repeating polyrhythm. Phi:1

May 11, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of sustained 6-note chords (with pitches randing from C2 - C3)
each chord is somewhat random, with the restriction that it has no notes in common with the previous chord, and also is not identical to the chord two previous
(played on electric organ)

May 8, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Throughout the day, a series of electronic tones of durations 1!, 2!, 3!, 4!, 5!, 6!, 7!, and 8! seconds

May 7, 2022
House concert, San Diego

A 1000-sample pattern is looped at 44100 samples per second (the original 1000 samples are randomly generated).
Each repetition, one sample is randomly changed.

May 6, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

3-minute blocks of alternating pairs of durations, defined by short digital clicks
(for example, 778 milliseconds and 1985 milliseconds)
randomly chosen for each block

May 5, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of a series of glissandos (overlapping)
Each second, a 1/2 chance of a new tone ascending from 150 to 300 Hz, over the course of a duration randomly chosen between 1 and 30 seconds

May 4, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every measure of Bach's Chaconne played in order of how much I like them

May 3, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each second N, a tone with an integer frequency randomly chosen between 1 and N

May 2, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Three large intervals:
16 major thirds (100 Hz, ~3552.71 Hz)
256 Pythagorean commas (100 Hz, ~3210.67 Hz)
9 quarter-comma fifths (100 Hz, ~3738.37 Hz)

May 1, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Melodies derived from Josquin motets, such that each note of the melody equals the sum of the frequencies
of the written voices (tuned in 5-limit)

April 30, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Randomly generated 6-note microtonal chords (spanning no more than an octave)
followed by their inversions (sharing the same average frequency)

April 20, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Rhythmic sonifications of non-periodic one-dimensional tilings with an interval projection structure
as described in the paper "One-dimensional substitution tilings with an interval projection structure"
by Edmund O. Harriss and Jeroen S. W. Lamb

April 19, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Collections of chords (played in no particular order) resulting from monohedral polyomino tilings
of a square section of a 5-limit JI lattice

April 18, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A collection of 1-measure additions to the opening theme of Bach's Chaconne

April 17, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 8-note chords that have a total of 10000 vibrations across the 8 tones for every one cycle of the implied fundamental
(each chord sounded for a single cycle of the implied fundamental)

April 16, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 5-note chords built from four intervals that use the eight numbers 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
as the numerators/denominators of their ratios in every combination

April 15, 2022, 4:30pm
House concert, San Diego

Several series of electronic tones that match the statistical qualities of Anscombe's quartet
(on a pitch/time grid)

April 14, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A pair of sine tones, the upper tone fixed, the lower tone changing such that at every moment in the piece,
the total number of interference beats between the tones equals the square root of the total number of combined vibrations of the tones
frequency1 = 100 Hz
frequency2 = 100 - 200*((800t+1)^(-0.5))
(t = time measured in seconds)

April 5, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A four-note chord such that the 6 internal intervals are symmetric around the perfect 5th

April 1, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A process created by Jairo Mora: a 31:18 polyrhythm, with audible subdivisions that continuously reduce.
Two points move, in mirrored Pong-style paths, through a 32x19 grid,
moving one space diagonally per subdivision, reflecting off the grid borders (creating the 31:18 polyrhythm),
and sounding a subdivision only the first time each space in the grid is visited.

March 31, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An instance of every perfect Skolem-type sequence (generated by any set or multiset) of 6 or fewer integers
(each pair of numbers mapped to a different chromatic pitch)

March 29, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 8-tone chords, played out of 8 speakers, 1 second in duration followed by 1 second of silence
randomly generated such that each chord contains a total of 10000 vibrations

March 28, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will take a walk and record my steps, then convert the recording into a sine tone
that peaks in the same frequency as my steps sped up 100x

March 27, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The absolute value of samples from a microphone are continuously added together.
A tone is sounded (and the total reset) every time the total value surpasses the total value from the first 10 seconds of the piece

March 26, 2022, 3:00pm

Dreamhouse +1: the tones of La Monte Young's Dreamhouse, each tuned up 1 Hz
(an installation to remember a house I've loved)

March 25, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Heartbeat (6) by Craig Shepard
(performers make a sound every 9 heartbeats)

March 24, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

for andré o. möller by Taylan Susam
(the instrument plays one tone; two oscillators tuned at a fifth slowly glissando down a half step, so that the piece begins as a minor triad and ends as a major triad)

March 23, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

now is the moment to learn hope by Antoine Beuger
(a sound played without knowing how and when to end)

March 22, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

selections from Rational Melodies by Tom Johnson

March 21, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An oscillator at 385 65/81 Hz, running for exactly 30 days, producing 1 billion vibrations

March 13 - April 11, 2022
My office at UCSD

10 oscillators, audible up to ~9 feet, placed on the ground 20 feet apart in a straight line, set in 1 Hz increments (101 Hz - 110 Hz)

March 3, 2022, afternoon
Anza-Borrego Desert

I will repeatedly flip a coin and then sustain the pitches G4 and A4, beginning together but ending (mostly) not together
duration of G4 = number of times the coin has been tails; duration of A4 = number of times the coin has been heads
(tempo 180 bpm, one beat for each coin flip)

March 1, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The key of every piece by Brahms, played in order on piano

February 26, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Piano transcription of the first C-major chord (if it exists) in every piece by Josquin

February 25, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of named irrational-ratio units of pitch intervals
(cent, jot, meride, etc.) from smallest to largest (20 seconds on each unit)

February 24, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every day, I will connect with my friend Michael over the phone.
Both of us will play a single note on a piano at the same time on a cue.
We will continue to do this once each day until we play a unision.

February 23, 2022 - ?
House concert, San Diego

A Breedsma-sphere chord

February 22, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

One million digital clicks played over 24 hours

February 21, 2022
House concert, San Diego

"Three Glasses" by Takahiro Kawaguchi
Three players rub wine glasses, which each have a continuous drip of water filling them at different rates

February 20, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 3-note chord such that:
when the 3 intervals of the chord are projected as lines on a Pythagorean plane (2^x * 3^y = the interval ratio),
there exist 3 colinear points which, when inverted over the unit circle,
become points on the interval-lines of the chord made from the difference tones of the original chord.

February 19, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Walking towards a large concrete outdoor wall with an oscillator,
trying to maintain a 1 Hz beating between the oscillator's tone and my perception of its reflection off the wall

February 18, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Pitch set classes in the order they appear in the base-12 representaiton of Pi

February 17, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Bach's Prelude in C Major from WTC I, played in 7 variations of upward arpeggiation:
(1:7 notes, 2:6 notes, 3:5 notes, 4:4 notes, 5:3 notes [original], 6:2 notes, 7:1 notes)

February 16, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

All 32 continuous closed paths through a 3x3 pitch/duration grid (allowing for diagonal movement)
(pitches: E4, F4, F#4; durations: 1, 2, 3 beats)

February 15, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 3-frequency chord (5-limit first inversion minor)
whose 3 difference tones form a 5-limit triad in the relative major key

February 13, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

All 162 unique Minimus extents for ringing 4 bells in all 24 permutations
(unrelated by inversion, cyclic shifts, or reversals)

February 10, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Slowly shifting 4-note chords that maintain a constant cross ratio (played as sine tones)

February 9, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Ascending pitches from G3, each sustained for their total duration in Bach's Chaconne

February 8, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each second, a tone or silence; beginning with two tones and then alternating silence and tone each second
so that the overall ratio of tone to silence becomes more equal the longer I play

February 7, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

"Whiplash" by Jack Callahan
Musical material (note, interval, mode, scale, chord) is called out by a Max patch and then interpreted by the performer,
gradually increasing in complexity as attributes (dynamic, articulation, vibrato, playing technique) are added.

February 6, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each bow, either D4 or D5 is sounded
whichever will move the overall average pitch towards a (square root of 2):1 interval with D4
(monitored by a PD patch)

February 5, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sine tones of superparticular ratios from 2:1 to 10000:9999, realized as 2Hz:1Hz, 3Hz:2Hz, ... 10000Hz:9999Hz
each sustained for one second (volume adjusted for human hearing)

February 4, 2022, 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

16 pitches (E4 - G5) are repeatedly randomly seeded into a tournament bracket.
Pairings are sounded and the higher pitch moves on to the next round until only one pitch remains.

February 3, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

76 unique sets of 4 unique trichords, in which each set contains each of the 6 pitches (C-F) twice

February 2, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Aperiodic alternations between
two interval progressions based on a conditional rule

February 1, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

On the Nth minute, the duration of the minute will be divided into N+1 tones
with the relative durations N+2:...:2
(first minute, 3:2. second minute, 4:3:2. etc.)

January 25, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of tones with durations equal to the inverses of the first 200 triangular numbers multiplied by 30 minutes.
The total duration will approach 1 hour but will only reach 59'42.1"

January 24, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

384 variations on a 4-note chord with ratios 4:5:6:7
Find the prime-exponenent coordinates of each of the chord's internal intervals.
Playback of chords created by every permutation of swapping exponent axes between each other and also each axis's inverse
Hat tip to Miller Puckette

January 17, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sets of chords. For a given chord:
A) plot the prime-exponenent coordinates of each of the chord's internal intervals
B) if possible, find the closest equidistant point to all the interval-points
Electronic playback of sets of chords with the same point found in step B

January 13, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

192 15/16 Hz

January 12, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic tones: a series of 4-frequency chords, which all have the same angle between:
A) the prime-exponent vector of the interval that is the sum of all the chord's internal intervals and
B) the corresponding vector of the chord composed of the 6 difference-tones of the original chord

January 2, 2022, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Catalogue of embellishments from "Il Dolcimelo" by Aurelio Virgiliano

December 28, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic tones: a 3-frequency chord whose 3 internal intervals sum to the same interval as
the sum of the 3 internal intervals of the chord composed of the 3 difference tones of the orignal chord
(100 Hz, 160 Hz, 250 Hz)

December 27, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic tones: a 5-limit, 4-frequency chord whose six internal intervals sum to an octave.
(108 Hz, 125 Hz, 128 Hz, 135 Hz)

December 24, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic tones: a
3-frequency chord whose difference tones are an M5 transformation of the original chord

December 22, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 20-minute descending glissando, played by a PD patch.
I will try to maintain a continuous 1 Hz difference on my violin.

December 21, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic tones: Every 20 seonds, a 3-note chord, each note of which is determined by one vertex of an equilateral triangle
that is projected into a 3-dimensional space where one axis is pitch, one axis is duration, and one axis is dynamic

December 20, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each second, a tone or silence (randomly chosen by a computer), until the total piece is exactly half tone and half silence

December 19, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will try to bisect (on the violin) on octave (played by an electronic drone) by ear as best I can

December 18, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

3 tones from 3 speakers, played in the desert.
1 tone audible to 1 centimeter, 1 tone audible to 1 meter, 1 tone audible to one kilometer

December 17, 2021. 3:00pm
Anza-Borrego Desert

3-frequency chord which is a transposition of its own difference tones
(and by induction, produces an infinite series of Nth-order difference-tone chords that are all transpositions of each other.)

December 16, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Approaching an overall average 1 second duration:
a 2-second tone followed by 1-second tones for as long as I care to play them

December 15, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Approaching 1 second duration:
1 tone lasting 2 seconds, 2 tones lasting 3 seconds, 3 tones lasting 4 seconds, etc.

December 14, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

12 versions of Bach's Chaconne, each with only one pitch class sounded

December 13, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sustained tone with realtime electronic response-tone.
A PD patch will create a waveform such that the Lissajous-curve-style combination of our tones traces the edges of a Schläfli graph

December 12, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback: each minute, an new interval is ranodmly chosen and the piece begins again with silence.
Starting with 200 Hz, each second a new pitch is added, ascending the chosen interval, adjusted by octave to stay within the 200Hz - 400Hz octave.

December 11, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The 554 twelve-tone rows that have unique Gauss diagrams when tritones are connected
as described by Franck Jedrzejewski

December 10, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Bach's Chaconne with every harmony altered to be a major seventh chord

December 9, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will attempt to play a tone once each minute without looking at a clock.
I will keep playing until I am accurate to within one second

December 8, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of tones that are randomly 11, 11.5, or 12 seconds long (with a 3 second rest between each tone)

December 7, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Justly-tuned renditions of the modulations from C-major to other keys as put forth in Max Reger's book "Modulation"

December 6, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of equal-area intervals (frequency span X duration)

December 5, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sonification of the
algorithm used in the Atari game "Entombed"
(tones and silences representing wall and path)

December 4, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sets of melodies by Haydn that have the same contour but different intervals and rhythms

December 3, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will play my chord from Kevin Good's piece "The Chords in My Life", in which he composes a unique chord for people he meets

December 2, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every day for the month of December, I will start my pracice session by playing (and recording) an instinctively-tuned middle C on the violin
and simultaneously a PD patch will play the previous middle C from the day before

December 1-31, 2021.
My home or office, San Diego

Two handclaps, one second apart, in different locations such that both handclaps are in the same point in space relative to the sun
Performed with Matt Kline
My deepest gratitude to Jason Wright for finding these two points on the Earth's surface.
Also a special thanks to Karin Sandstrom for her generous help and advice.

November 27, 2021.
12:18:28.608 pm on Matthews Ln. across from Warren Lecture Hall on the UCSD Campus, San Diego (32.8800604, -117.2340135)
12:18:29.608 pm near the intersection of Sunglow Dr. and Sunview Dr. in Winter Gardens, California (32.827337, -116.921865)

A short repeated
interval sequence that descends 250000:250047 (about a third of a cent) every repetition

October 22, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The 132 ways of dividing a 12-note chromatic set into 6 pairs of notes connected by lines across a circle of fifths which don't intersect

October 21, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone is sounded during second N if there are 2 and only 2 identical digits in the base-10 representation of N

October 20, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 1-minute octave glissando on the violin and an unheard 1-day octave glissando on a PD patch, over the same octave A3 to A4.
The computer will play the tone at the moment they coincide.

October 19, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An attempt to find the interval (square-root of 2):1 using the intervals described by the Catalan product
with the help of a looper pedal

October 18, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of a faucet dripping into a glass tumbler

October 17, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Super-particular polyrhythms of increasing order
each played at a tempo such that the shortest time between two attacks is 1 second

October 16, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcriptions of the pitches of every device in my house that hums when on

October 15, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An audible clock: each second a tone with a pitch determined by the highest catagory (one semitone higher for each):
every second, every 5 seconds, every 15 seconds, every minute, every 5 minutes, every 15 minutes, every hour

October 14, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

2 chord progressions with slowly migrating pitch centers from Giovanni Benedetti's "Diversarum speculationum mathematicarum"
with the Pacific Beach String Ensemble

October 13, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

After a year of recording a local radio frequency of white noise,
the diehard battery of statistical tests will be used to find the least-random seconds from:
the previous minute, the previous hour, the previous day, the previous week, the previous month, the previous year
and replay them

October 10, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonifications of a variety of formulas for finding the center of a traingle
(on a time/pitch grid, glissandos representing the sides of the triangle, and a short tone representing the center)
Taken from Clark Kimberling's "Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers":

September 24, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A soft electronic tone from the moment the sun appears to touch the horizon to the moment it disappears at sunset

September 23, 2021. Sunset
Marine Street Beach, San Diego

"the collection #2" by Michael Pisaro
a duration is divided up into parts of equal length, alternating sound and silence,
independently by two players

September 22, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every tutti silence in the works of Beethoven, arranged chronologically, played sequentially and in their original tempos,
with a short digital click between each silence to indicate the boundaries

September 21, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of durations, derived by dividing the duration of a day into equal parts repeatedly by a single divisor,
(for example: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc. or 3, 9, 27, 81, etc), until the duration that is closest to a minute is reached.
I will play that duration for the divisors 2 through 30

September 20, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Two oscillators, set 1 Hz apart, carried by Greg Stuart and me as we walk past each other on the beach
by Greg Stuart

September 13, 2021. Sunset
Law Street Beach, San Diego

A field of sine tones with every frequency from 200 - 1200 Hz.
I will play tones on the violin and the frequency of my tones will be subtracted until there is silence

August 11, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I now own 30 unique violin mutes. I will play a tone (E4) with each mute, followed by a short rest while I change to the next mute.

August 10, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will drive around San Diego with a low-power FM transmitter broadcasting silence on 89.3 MHz
which will quiet the white noise on that frequency if you are nearby.

August 9, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A PD patch plays two sine tones (one at 100 Hz and one at a variable frequency)
whose difference tone attempts to match the constantly-changing frequency of my heartbeat (monitored by a contact microphone).

July 30, 2021. 10:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Before and after: one short tone every second for one hour, but with one tone replaced with silence

July 29, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Two performers clap 1 second apart, standing on the same latitude line
in such a way (approximately 390 meters apart in San Diego) that they will clap at the identical apparent solar time

July 28, 2021. 3:00pm
San Diego

Sets of seven 6-note chords (within the range C4 - B4) played on the piano,
in which the first chord shares 6 notes with the previous set's last chord, the second chord shares 5 notes with the first chord,
the third chord shares 4 notes with the second chord,
etc. until the seventh chord shares 0 notes with the sixth chord

July 27, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every 30 seconds, 4 short tones.
Two tones at the same time each cycle: E4 at :00 and F4 at :15
And two tones randomly placed in time each cycle: E4 and F4

July 26, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An audio clock, made in PD, that plays a binary representation of the number of seconds since my birth,
with each digit corresponding to the sounding or not of a partial of the fundamental 100 Hz (the 1's place corresponding to the first partial)

July 25 - , 2021.
House concert, San Diego

At some point each minute, I will play a short tone that is in unison with a glissando (generated on a computer and played through headphones; inaudible to the audience)
from A3 to A4 that repeats every minute

July 24, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A PD patch plays a 10-second sine tone of random pitch every minute (on the minute) in my office
I will enter my office every minute, 20 seconds after the pitch has ended, listen for 10 seconds, and leave again

July 23, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Bach's Chaconne, with every pitch replaced by a pitch one semitone higher or lower than the original pitch
(chosen randomly but with the restriction that the result must be playable)

July 22, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Tones with the durations of: 1 second, 1/10 of a minute, 1/100 of an hour, 1/1000 of a day, 1/10000 of a week, 1/100000 of a month, and 1/1000000 of a year

July 21, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Two tones, dividing the day into equal thirds
(the beginning and ending of the day defined by when the sun is furthest from the performance location)

July 20, 2021.
House concert, San Diego

Sine tone representations of various randomly-generated polygons, one per minute,
laid out on a time/pitch grid

July 15, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each minute, two tones (chosen at random by a computer program), within the range G3 - G4.
The first tone is above, and the second tone is below, an imagined 1-minute glissando from G3 to G4

July 14, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sound walk in which one imagines what it would be like if we perceived sunlight as 60 cycle hum

July 13, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will see how long I can sustain a 300 Hz tone without varying more than 1/2 Hz in either direction

July 6, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of sounds caused by dropping the same stone on the ground every ten steps
on a straight-line walk through the UCSD campus

July 5, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will collect 10 stones and strike each stone against every other stone
in an order designed to maximize the distance between repeated strikings of the same stone

July 4, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each minute, any pitches I play (as short tones) at any time, will be continued by a PD patch as sine tones
and will all glissando to reach the same randomly selected pitch at the end of the minute.

July 3, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

As I sustain a pitch, a PD patch will slowly ramp up in volume a sine tone of the same pitch.
When I can perceive the sine tone, I will begin playing a new pitch and the processs will start over.

July 2, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Per Nørgård's Infinity Series

July 1, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will drive to various locations, place a small oscillator on the ground (100 Hz) and walk until I can no longer hear it

June 30, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A duet with my colleague Matt Johannson: each minute, we will both begin on independent random pitches on the D string and then glissando to a unison over a minute duration

June 29, 2021. 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Beginning with a sine tone 5-limit Dominant 11th chord with a 100 Hz root,
each second, all 6 frequencies increases +1 Hz

June 28, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Two sine tones that have a diffence tone with a wavelength equal to the distance to the moon

June 27, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Phrases of 4 pitches (D4, D#4, E4, F4, followed by a rest) with durations of primitive Pythagorean quadruples (in ascending order)

June 26, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sequence of notes, starting on C4, that randomly rises or falls a semitone each note.
I will sound the note only if it is C4

June 25, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An attempt to find the interval (√ 2):1 using the intervals described by the product
2/1 * 2/3 * 6/5 * 6/7 * 10/9 * 10/11 * 14/13 * etc.
and a looper pedal

June 24, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each minute, a PD patch will sound 2 glissandi from 200 Hz to 400 Hz, with beginning and end points randomly chosen.
Using an in-ear guide, I will play the the intersection pitch (if there is one) at the moment of intersection

June 23, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A microphone will continuously measure the durations of my breathing,
and for each full breath, a PD patch will sound an interval with the same frequency ratio as the previous durational ratio of inhale/exhale

June 22, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A circle of fifths as it approximates equal temperament with increasing accuracy:
A PD patch will progress through a circle of pure fifths (one tone per second; contained within an octave range)
I will play a pitch on my electric keyboard if the patch's tone is the closest it has yet been to that equal-tempered piano pitch

June 21, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A pitch on second N based on the number of partitions of N into 2 square numbers
(0=rest, 1=C4, 2=C#4, etc.)

June 20, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A binary representation of the number of seconds it has been since I was born
(a tone for 1, a rest for 0)

June 19, 2021. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

One hour sonification of Heap's algorithm to generate all permutations of a 12-note set,
assuming the inital set was 0123456789AB and that the algorithm was initiated at the moment of my birth, sounding 3 notes per second

June 13, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A drone of 64 Hz and 15625 Hz, which share a lowest common partial of 1 million Hz and an implied fundamental of 1 Hz

June 7, 2021, 11:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every pitch in the order they first appear in each work by Brahms (performed on piano)

June 2, 2021, 10:00pm
House concert, San Diego

3-frequency chord whose sum tones are an inversion of its difference tones

May 31, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

4-frequency chord whose 6 difference tones form 2 trichord that are inversions of each other

May 23, 2021, 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

1-minute excerpts of 4-rate polyrhythms with simple integer ratios (played on the pitches D4 G4 C5 F5)
each at a speed where the shortest distance between two notes is 1 second

May 16, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will play a solo violin piece based on the verbal description of an existing solo violin piece given to me by my colleague Adam Johnson

May 15, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

For my 440th recital on this series, in a small gesture toward rejecting standardization of pitch,
I will tune my violin to A = 580 Ca, a unit of frequency based on a base-2 division of the day, where 1 Hz = around 1.3184 Ca

May 14, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcriptions of 100 radio call-letter jingles

May 13, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

XOR tone: when playing intervals with two integer-HZ frequencies, a PD patch will play the frequency of the bitwise XOR operation applied to the two tones

April 7, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

"Random Partials (1-7th harmonic) Version I" by Håkon Thelin
(random natural harmonics on a scordatura violin played in unison with the same notes on an equal tempered piano)

April 6, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

1000 harmonizations (played on piano) of a descending semitone gesture (played on violin)
as found in repertoire composed before 1980

April 5, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sustained tone in an extremely resonant basement hallway on campus, with an extremely slow vibrato,
in an attempt to maintain a 1 Hz difference-tone pulsation between the violin and the reverberation

March 23, 2021, 2:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Passages from Bach's Sonatas and Partitas for violin which have rhythmic patterns that correspond to the first thousand binary numbers
(A note onset for 1, a sustain or rest for 0)

March 22, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An imagined year-long glissando from A3 to A4 (beginning at midnight on January 1). I will make it audible for an hour.

March 19, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

For the next month, I will start each morning by tuning a 12-note chromatic cluster in PD, in whatever tuning feels good in the moment.
(I'll save the results from each tuning for comparison at the end of the month)

March 10 - April 10, 2021, morning
House concert, San Diego

Using a simple PD patch, I will find the largest interval I can hear

March 3, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The sound of space-filling curves: using the
method described by Herman Haverkort
applied to a microtonal scale in the violin range

March 2, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

On each second, a glissando between 2 pitches in the 2-octave range D#4-C6 (on the D string)
all pairs of pitches in random order

March 1, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Complementary phrases of 20-beat duration, each beat a tone or rest (reversed on the second phrase of each pair)
Phrases alternate pitch E4 and a microtone above E4 for the complement.

February 28, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sequence of 12-note phrases (played without pause at tempo 120)
in which in phrase N, six notes are the same as phrase (N-1), and six notes are different (chosen and reassigned randomly)

February 27, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification of the proportions of line and space (measured vertically) on staff paper from scans of historical manuscripts of compositions that I like

February 26, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A field recording plays back one second at a time (via PD patch), with 1 second spaces for me to record imitations of what I just heard.
At the end, both the original recording and my imitations (stitched together) play back simultaneously

February 25, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego
House concert, San Diego

A PD patch reads random numbers between 1 and 60.
After reading number X, I will be cued X seconds later to play a short tone

February 24, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Pairs of tones, played 30 seconds apart, one second in duration, that differ by a microtone

February 23, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The opening phrase of Bach's Chaconne transformed with 100 random pitchclass mappings

February 22, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A transcription of the car horns from a recording of a New York City intersection I used to live on, played pianissimo

February 21, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sustained frequencies that would create theoretical standing waves
around the Earth (based on geography and climate)

February 20, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of phrases, each 1 minute in length, in which the tones, if placed on a frequency/time grid,
would have a center of mass at 440 Hz and 30 seconds

February 19, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

51-note pitch cycles containing every 6-note set-class plus one duplicate
(I'll play one cycle with each possible duplicate)

February 6, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The complete super-saturated all-trichord set-class chain cycles
Hat tip to Matthew Barber

February 1, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of phrases: for each phrase N, the binary representation of N (1=G4 0=rest)
simultaneous with it retrograde (1=A4 0=rest)

January 31, 2021, 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Skolem sequences (n=12) with a simple number to pitch mapping

January 30, 2021, 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various permutations of stacking the 8 intervals between a unison and a fifth (inclusive) into a 3-octave span,
playing only the highest and lowest pitch of each interval (adjacent intervals do not share a pitch)

January 27, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

410 Hz sustained for 40'39" resulting in 999990 vibrations

January 26, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

997 Hz sustained for 16'43" resulting in 999991 vibrations

January 25, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

392 Hz sustained for 42'31" resulting in 999992 vibrations

January 24, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

200 Hz sustained for 333331 beats at tempo 4000 bpm resulting in 999993 vibrations

January 23, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

207 Hz sustained for 21739 beats at tempo 270 bpm resulting in 999994 vibrations

January 22, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

196 Hz sustained for 199999 beats at tempo 2352 bpm resulting in 999995 vibrations

January 21, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

501 Hz sustained for 33'16" resulting in 999996 vibrations

January 20, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

757 Hz sustained for 20'01" resulting in 999997 vibrations

January 19, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

254 Hz sustained for 65'37" resulting in 999998 vibrations

January 18, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

297 Hz sustained for 56'07" resulting in 999999 vibrations

January 17, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone for the duration that daylight is longer today than it was on the winter solstice

January 16, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

1 group of 2 groups of 3 groups of 4 groups of 5 groups of 6 groups of 7 notes
(on a single pitch (D4) at ~200 bpm, with pauses between pitches 1/2 second per level of group boundary)

January 15, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A short repeated
dyad sequence that slowly migrates downward in pitch (6125/6144 every cycle)
It will take me an hour or so for it fall below the range of the fingerboard.

January 14, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 1/N chance of playing a tone during second N
until 10 tones have been played

January 13, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various historical tunings of Greek tetrachords

January 12, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 1-minute phrases. For each phrase, 8 lines randomly pass through a 4-octave x 1-minute pitch/time grid.
Where two lines cross, I will play a tone at the corresponding pitch/time.

January 11, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 1-hour catalogue of 5-limit intervals to A4 derivable by ear (through a sequence of tunable intervals) on the violin

January 10, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A catalogue of opening sonorities of 300 historical pieces for unaccompanied violin

January 9, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification of the date of Easter each year (day of year mapped to pitch)
Hat tip to Miller Puckette

January 8, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of intervals determined by a game of dominoes. The 2 numbers on each tile give the ratio of the interval from the previous note (first note D4).
Tiles with a blank are rests and the intervals resume from the last note. Intervals are descending if possible, ascending if not.
(solo violin with electronic record/playback)

January 7, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

First species counterpoint exercises from various historical manuals
(played on viola)

January 6, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A ~60 Hz tone from an electric outlet played from the Left Stereo Channel, and a digital 60 Hz sawtooth wave from my computer played from the Right Stereo Channel

January 5, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will sustain the pitch of the last syllable in the last voice mail she left me

January 4, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Dry spaghetti chords: a piece of dry spaghetti is broken by bending it from the 2 ends (this usually results in around 4 pieces).
The resulting pieces are placed below a camera, the image is processed, and the data is fed into a PD patch
which plays a chord with frequency-ratios equal to the length-ratios of the pasta pieces

January 3, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

On second N, the smallest least-reoccuring digit in the base-12 representation of N
using a simple digit-to-pitch mapping

January 2, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone during second N if N has only one odd decimal digit

January 1, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of me typing: a tone every time I press the space bar,
as recorded during periods when I'm writing emails on the day before the performance

December 31, 2021, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcriptions of running my finger slowly across all the tines on all the plastic combs I found in my local drugstore

December 30, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will take requests of 1-second duration tones (requests in the form of [start-time, pitch], within the span of an hour and within the range of the violin)
and play as many as physically possible (prioritizing those that were requested first) during the hour-long performance

December 29, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

As Ellie repeatedly builds houses of cards until they collapse, I will sustain a pitch equal to the current number of standing cards
(G3 = 1 card and every 1/4 tone above G3 for each additional card)

December 28, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Deepest-level interval: listing every pitch in the Bach G minor Sonata in order (with chords in the order from bottom to top);
then listing the interval between each pair of pitches; then the interval-difference between each of those intervals; and so on,
until one reaches a single interval that generates the whole piece. I will play that interval.

December 27, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone with the wavelength of my height when I woke up, together with a tone with the wavelength of my height at the time of the performance

December 26, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Tuning my violin strings based on various historical Italian church organ tunings of A4,
as compiled by Bruce Haynes in his book "A History of Performing Pitch"

December 25, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of 1 day of my refrigerator running, recorded and sped up to 1 hour duration

December 24, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sonification of bead positions at each step of calculating the cube root of 100 on a soroban abacus

December 23, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification of a superpermutation for n=7 of length 5906
discovered by Greg Egan and Robin Houston

December 22, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone at the end of an hour, that has the same proportion as the day of the performance to my life's duration so far

December 21, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every permutation of bowing (tying) an 8-note phrase as enumerated by Joseph Riepel in his "Gründliche Erklärung"

December 20, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Using current local weather measurements for calculation, I will sustain an interval that has a difference tone with wavelength 1 km

December 19, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The average frequency of each organ work by Bach
(electronic playback)

December 18, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sequence of pitches that has, as subsequences (not necessarily continuous), all permutations of the 12 pitch classes

December 17, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various paths (which do not cross themselves) on a 12x12 pitch/duration grid
from corner (C4, 1 beat) to opposite corner (B4, 12 beats)

December 16, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of melodies derived by iterations: beginning with a one-octave ascending chromatic scale
and then repeatedly selecting a point (chosen randomly), removing all tones before or after (chosen randomly) that point, and then
either reflecting or repeating (translating) (chosen randomly) the remaining notes across that point,
with the restriction that after each iteration, all 12 pitches must still be present.

December 15, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification of the logistic map, for various values of r
(iterated values used as sample values for the waveform; sample rate TBD)
(electronic playback)

December 14, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every note that is not in the key of C major, from Bach's C-major Sonata (played in realtime)

December 13, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of rational harmonies determined by turning over playing cards.
Add one card at a time alternately to 2 piles, which are linked to 2 sine tone frequencies,
which are each tuned to 5 times the current card-pile sums (A=1, ..., K=13) Hz.

December 12, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Repeated iterations of Christoph Schröter's algorithm to approach an equal tempered scale with rational ratios
(electronic playback)

December 11, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Complete regular complementary canons of maximal category (RCMC) of length 108
compiled by Harald Fripertinger

December 10, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The 1540 possible melodic combinations of 19 B's and 3 C's
as described in Athanasius Kircher's "Musurgia Universalis", Book VIII

December 9, 2020, 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Short repeating interval sequences on the violin that never repeat a pitch (I)
[E1] 3:4 [A2] 3:4 [D3] 3:4 [G4] 6:5 [D2] 8:5 [A3] 6:5 (if possible; else 5:4) [E1]
([string and finger] followed by interval ratio)

December 8, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification of the prime factorization of the numbers 2 through 100
For each number N, a sequence of N pitches. The baseline pitch is E4.
Every Mth note in a sequence is raised a half step for each prime factor of N that M is divisible by.

December 7, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every palindrome (however brief) in the Bach Sonatas and Partitas
(maintaining voicing, duration, dynamics, etc.)

December 6, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every dominant seventh chord in the Bach Sonatas and Partitas
(maintaining voicing, duration, dynamics, etc.)

December 5, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An audio hourglass: during each second N of an hour, an interval is played (with sinetones)
which is the closest interval to a 3:2 fifth in N-EDO tuning

December 4, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every phrase of 8 articulated pitches (simultaneous and/or sequential), such that
every pitch is no more than one beat and one half step removed from another of the 8 pitches.
(The lowest pitch of beat 1 is C4; played at 100 bpm; played on a piano)

December 3, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification (as melodic lines) of a 1-dimensional cellular automata, in which at each step:
a cell takes on the value of the product of its left neighbor + 2 and its right neighbor +1, mod 13
((L+2)x(R+1))%13; 100 cells which loop around

December 2, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sonic clock that plays a chord for each second N of the day
composed of the components of the prime factorization of N as partials of the fundamental 20 Hz, with repeated primes multiplied together.
(for example, second 1200 has prime factorization 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5. Tones are (2*2*2*2), 3, and (5*5) times 20 Hz = 320 Hz, 60 Hz, 200 Hz)

December 1, 2020, all day
House concert, San Diego

A record/playback loop that overlays 48 passes through a 60-second duration
During each pass, I will play a short tone during what I perceived to be the largest silence from the previous loop.
The pitch of each tone will begin at G3 and ascend one half step each tone.

November 30, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every phrase of 6 articulated pitches (simultaneous and/or sequential), such that
every pitch is no more than one beat and one half step removed from another of the 6 pitches.
(The lowest pitch of beat 1 is C4; played at 100 bpm; played on a piano)

November 29, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A game, in which a frequency (cosine wave) is pulsed once every 5 seconds, starting with only 1/2 cycle, and adding 1/2 cycle each repetition
(the sample values during the rests remain at the last value of the wave, preventing digital clicks)
The first player to guess which pitch is being sounded (by pressing that note on a keyboard) gets a cookie for that round

November 28, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An ascending sequence of low fundamentals (1 Hz - 60 Hz)
for each fundamental: all partials sounding with inverse-ratio amplitudes (for 30 seconds),
followed by the same partials/amplitudes but every frequency +1 Hz (also 30 seconds)

November 27, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 3-frequency chords (sine tones), whose frequencies are in the ratios of the sides of rational triangles with increaing whole-number areas

November 26, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of performances throughout the day where I play the sonorities of each Bach Sonata/Partita in the order/timing they appear in each of the other Sonatas/Partitas
(each articulation of a new pitch/harmony in the "played" sonata/partita is found (in order) in another sonata/partita and sounded using the timing of the latter sonata/partita, until the latter is over)

November 25, 2020
House concert, San Diego

An imagined sequence of ascending pure 3:2 fifths beginning on my birthday (age 0) and progressing one fifth each day (adjusted by octaves to stay within an octave of the original pitch)
I will play a few minutes of the interval formed by today's pitch together with the starting pitch

November 24, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Melodies derived from Bach chorales, such that each note of the melody equals the sum of pitches in the corresponding chord
assuming the lowest note of the chorale is equal to 1 and each semitone above that note adds 1

November 23, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The Schenkerian Ursatz for the first movement of every Haydn symphony
(played on piano)

November 22, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Additive repetitions: [1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4] etc.
numbers indicate repetitions of a single pitch (D4) at ~500 bpm, with ~1 second separating groups

November 21, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonifications of truth tables for various binary logical connectives
(inputs G4 and G#4, output A4; 0=rest, 1=sounded), each played as a single sonority

November 20, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Bach chorales, where each beat is independently transposed so that the soprano line always is A4
(played on a piano)

November 19, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonifications of character strings (using a simple ASCII to pitch mapping)
created by randomly typing on various keybaords with different key configurations.

November 18, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 3-frequency chord whose 3 difference tones form a chord with intervals twice the size of the original harmony
(old interval-ratios squared are the new ratios)

November 16, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

3-frequency chord whose 3 difference tones form a chord with intervals half the size of the original harmony
(new interval-ratios are square-roots of the original ratios)

November 15, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 3-frequency chords which each have a strongly isographic Klumpenhouwer network with the chord composed of the resulting 3 difference tones

November 12, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The 12 pitch classes, played in their order of first appearance, in each of the symphonies of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, and Bruckner

November 11, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

3-frequency chord whose 3 difference tones form a transposed inversion of the original harmony

November 3, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sine tones with wavelengths that match common unit lengths
Centimeter, Inch, Foot, Yard, Meter, Cubit, Rod, etc
(H/T to Matt Sargent)

November 2, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification of a televised basketball game: a tone every time the ball bounces on the floor

November 1, 2020, 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 1-hour drone of 3 frequencies: 40 141/400 Hz, 58 331/1800 Hz, and 179 869/3600 Hz
resulting in 1000000 total vibrations, and 1 vibration of the implied fundamental: 1/3600 Hz.
Also resulting in 3 difference tones: 17 2993/3600 Hz, 138 8/9 Hz, and 121 23/400 Hz
which also produce 1000000 total vibrations, and 1 vibration of their implied fundamental: 1/3600 Hz.

October 28, 2020. 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will drive around the San Diego area and find public but secluded locations
and sustain a tone for as long as it would take the sound to theoretically reach my home from each location

October 17, 2020. Afternoon

A set of 23 durations (1-23 beats, in increasing order),
phasing against a set of 24 pitches (G3 - F#5, in ascending order)
for one complete cycle at tempo 120 bpm

October 16, 2020. 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

In a large open field, 2 speakers set up 171.5 meters apart, producing simultaneous loud metronome clicks at a tempo of about 120 bpm
Starting next to one speaker (where the clicks will sound simultaneous), I will slowly walk to the other speaker, where the clicks will also sound simultanous,
creating a long polyrhythm from my perspective.

October 15, 2020. 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of sustained violin tones with electronics.
When each violin tone (D4) begins, a PD patch will wait a random amount of time before sounding a short sinetone (also D4)
which will mark the half-way point of the violin tone.
(a brief silence between each violin tone)

October 14, 2020. 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The first performance of a series in which I will play a half-second tone every second with a 1/N chance of a rest instead of a tone
with N equal to 2 for the first performance and increasing by 1 each subsequent performance.

October 13, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The 18th performance of a series in which the performers play one more repetition of a sonority than the previous performance
More information

October 12, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each day during my violin-practice warm up, I will tune and sustain a superparticular interval that is +1 from the day before (starting with 2:1)

September 26, 2020 - as long as I can manage it

I will play 4 short tones, trying to play them each 1 second apart. My attempt will be recorded (and analyzed) by a PD patch.
Then, 10 minutes later, each tone will be played back but with its rhythmic error (the amount I was before or after exactly 1 second) amplified by increasing orders of magnitude
(x1, x10, x100, x1000)

September 25, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 62-note pitch string in which every set class occurs at least once

September 23, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every minute, a 16-second violin tone as near to 1000 Hz as I can guess,
the first 8 seconds as a solo; and the second 8 seconds an actual 1000 Hz electronic sine tone accompanies me.
(followed by 44 seconds of silence)

September 18, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The prescriptive pattern of Frederic Rzewski's "Les Moutons de Panurge" applied to a 48-note ascending chromatic scale

September 17, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will play my violin directly into my electric fan
and try to tune tones that are whole-number divisors and multiples of the fan's RPM

September 16, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

"Balance" by Davide Tidoni
(walking between to tone generators until their volume is perceived as equal)

September 15, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

"Feedback" by Davide Tidoni
(approaching and turning off a loudspeaker while holding a connected microphone without causing feedback)

September 14, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

2 FM radio sets take turns receiving+recording and then re-transmitting the recording of a one second sample of white noise back and forth

September 13, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sine tone will repeatedly glissando from 200 Hz to 400 Hz over 30 - 200 seconds (randomly selected)
and my wife and I will try to guess closest to when the sine tone is at 300 Hz.

September 12, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

One example of every pitch set class that occurs in consecutive sonorities somewhere in Bach's Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin

September 11, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of phrases. For each phrase N: a sonification of the divisors of N, mod 12, mapped onto the pitches C4-B4 = 0-11

September 10, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will create and perform a piece based on the first 2 parts of Jane Coppock's written description of
"Farben" from Schoenberg's op 16.
as published in her article "Ideas for a Schoenberg Piece"
(Perspectives of New Music vol 14 no 1, 1975)

September 9, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every 30 seconds, 2 time points are randomly selected.
I will begin a tone on the earlier time point and end the tone on the later time point.

September 8, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Using photoshop and a map of my area, I created a square grid of 8x8 points and rotated/scaled the grid
until each point was on a publicly accessible location (with one corner point being in my home).
I will spend the afternoon driving to each point and playing a short tone (E4)

September 7, 2020.
House concert, San Diego

An attempt to find the interval π:1 using the intervals described by the Wallis product
2 * 2/1 * 2/3 * 4/3 * 4/5 * 6/5 * 6/7 * 8/7 * 8/9 * etc.
and a looper pedal

September 6, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

10 years ago during the month of September, every morning when I woke up I wrote down a single pitch and duration.
I will play one each morning this September.

September, 2020.
House concerts, San Diego

A tone when all the digits of my digital stopwatch are all either ascending (F4) or descending (E4)
(no repeated digits, and not counting leading zeros)

August 25, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Tones of the durations 1, 2, 3, 4 beats at tempos 130 bpm to 30 bpm
(decreasing 1 bpm each repetition)

August 24, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A one-hour duration that is randomly divided into equal parts tone and silence

August 23, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A complete catalogue of one-octave descending minor scales in the works of Josquin
(played in the original rhythm but without further context)

August 21, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Realtime sonification of cars passing on Neptune Place in La Jolla (seen via webcam)
E4 for northbound cars, F4 for southbound cars

August 20, 2020. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Ellie and I will drive to the desert with woodblocks, stand 343 meters apart,
and each play a regular pulse at ~60 bpm, attempting to cover each other's playing (from our own perspective) with our own playing.

August 19, 2020. 6:00pm
Anza Borrego Desert

Transcription of a recording (slowed down 100x) of dropping 100 small rubber balls into my bathtub

August 18, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sets of 12 lines, played sequentially, each consisting of of 20 notes within a range of one octave,
randomly chosen but within the restriction that no pitch is identical in two lines on the same beat.

August 17, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

For one week, a tone (F4) at midnight if the light is on in the room directly across the communal patio from me

August 16 - 22, 2020. Midnight
My house, San Diego

Each morning beginning at sunrise, a microphone outside my house will start taking in audio.
a PD patch will catalogue the first 16 frequencies that exceed a certain amplitude threshold function
and sustain sinetones of those frequencies softly until I wake up and turn off the chord.

August 15, 2020 - ?
My house, San Diego

I will sustain a single pitch (A3) while a series of sinetone gestures are played by a computer
In each gesture, the computer will choose a random (microtonal) interval,
beginning so that the lower tone of the interval is A3, and glissandoing over 1 minute until the upper tone is A3,
maintaining a constant ratio between the 2 sinetone pitches.
(with a space of 10 second between each gesture)

August 14, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will sustain a single pitch (A3) while a series of sinetone gestures are played by a computer
In each gesture, the computer will choose a random (microtonal) interval,
beginning so that the lower tone of the interval is A3, and glissandoing over 1 minute until the upper tone is A3,
maintaining a constant Hz difference between the 2 sinetone pitches.
(with a space of 10 second between each gesture)

August 13, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of sonorities that each consist of 10000 vibrations

August 12, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The 864 ways of partitioning a 14-note set (D4 - D#5) into 7 dyads each with a unique interval class

August 9, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will attempt to play a tone every minute without looking at a clock.
My attempts will be recorded on a strict 1-minute loop and played back, overlaid on each other, after an hour

August 7, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The first instance of each pitch class in each movement of Bach's Sonatas and Partitas, played in real-time

August 6, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of phrases. In each phrase, two sine tones will start randomly far apart and converge to a single pitch (also randomly chosen) over one minute
Within the first 5 seconds, I will choose and sustain a pitch that I predict will be the final pitch of convergence

August 5, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of a recording of a conversation between two birds outside my window, slowed down to half speed (1 hour duration)

August 4, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Randomly chosen sequences from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
mapped to pitches on the violin (C4 = 0), played until out of the range of the violin or until the final term listed in the Encyclopedia

August 3, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Randomly chosen sequences from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, mod 12
mapped to a one-octave range, played until the final term listed in the Encyclopedia

August 2, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of pitches that are a slowed-down replica of the digital samples of the waveform being played
6-bit samples of the violin are translated to quarter-tone pitches below and above E5 (which equals zero)
(played with the aid of a computer)

August 1, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of intervals with ratios equal to the (duration asleep):(duration awake) for each day over the last month

July 31, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sonification of the day-of-the-month of every Thursday from 2000 - 2020 mod 7

July 30, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 60-second tones that are each subdivided into equal parts (randomly 2 - 8 parts)
and then ONE of those equal parts is further subdivided into smaller equal parts (randomly 2 - 8 parts)
and then ONE of those equal parts is further subdivided etc etc until just before the fastest division is too fast to play.
(all divisions articulated by bow changes)

July 29, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone every time there's a goal in a soccer game (randomly chosen from the 2018/2019 European Football season)
(pitch E4 for one team and F4 for the other team)

July 28, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of phrases sonifying various Boolean functions
Input data (6-bits) as note/rest sequences (note=1, rest=0); output is the sounding-pitch of the phrase (F4=1, E4=0)
(each possible input is played for each function)

July 27, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 100-beat phrases. In each phrase, 24 time points are randomly chosen.
Each time point corresponds to the start and end time of 12 chromatic pitches in ascending order.
(c start, c end, c# start, c# end, d start, etc.)

July 26, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The first movement of the Bach E-major violin sonata, with each measure's notes reordered randomly

July 25, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Polrhythmic double trills
h/t Jay Campbell

July 24, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Counting Windows for Tom Johnson by Luiz Henrique Yudo
musical patterns based on the observed layout of window panes within a frame

July 17, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Starting with a tone on G3, each subsequent beat has an equal chance of:
1) rest 2) a tone one half step higher than the previous tone 3) starting over with a tone on G3

July 15, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A repeated tone (without pause). On each repetition, the tone changes in only one of the following ways (chosen at random but within practical ranges):
1) up a semitone 2) down a semitone 3) one sixteenth note longer 4) one sixteenth note shorter 5) one dynamic level softer 6) one dynamic level louder

July 13, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Realtime sonification of the temperature of a warming glass of ice water as measured in Farenheit by a digital thermometer
32 degrees = G3, 1 semitone per degree

July 5, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Units: a 1-second tone, a 1-minute tone, a 1-hour tone

July 2, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Phrases of 23 tones, with each pitch N in phrase P determined by the equation: pitch=(P + 999999) mod (N+1)

July 1, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Electronic playback of 8-pitch sinetone chords (each sustained for 20 seconds with 5 seconds of silence)
each chord derived by starting at 300 Hz and finding the other pitches with various permutations of the intervals 4/3, 3/5, 5/4, 5/6, 7/4, 5/7, 7/6

June 29, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

For one month, a tone at the moment each day that my shadow is the shortest
Pitch determinded by the length of the shadow in centimeters

May 24 - June 24, 2020
House concert, San Diego

A 5-limit interval of less than 1 cent, derived by ear on the violin

June 16, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Bowing adjacent blades of grass in a field with a well-rosined violin bow
one bow per blade

June 1, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Groups of legato tone repetitions separated by rests
Group lengths (number of repetitions) are: N^1, N^2, N^3, N^4, N^5, with N beginning at 1 and increasing by 1 every five groups

May 31, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 50-note pitch strings
each string starting on G3 and each pitch having an equal random chance of ascending a half step or staying the same as the pitch before

May 30, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A pitch string which is a canon in which a new voice starts on every note N and progresses every Nth note after that
(prime numbered pitches alternate D4 and D#4)

May 29, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sine tone slowly fluctuates irregularly in pitch within a small range and I will try to continuously match it as best I can

May 28, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The durations 1-100 beats in random order, alternating tone and silence

May 27, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

On each second N, a 1/100 change of playing the pitch N mod 48
(G3 = 0)

May 26, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone on 100 individual seconds randomly chosen from the 3600 seconds in the hour-long performance

May 25, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Full-length bows on a single pitch for durations of 1 through 60 seconds in ascending order

May 24, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will play (more precisely: fail to play)
this 4-note motive from Bazzini's "La Ronde des Lutins" many times,
each time I play it, for a few seconds afterwards, a PD patch will sustain sine tones of the 4 pitches that I actually hit.

May 23, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone halfway between the beginning of the performance and the pre-determined but unannounced end time of the performance

May 22, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A meandering road trip accompanied by a 2-sintone continuos drone
that is the longitude and latitude in degress times 10 Hz

May 21, 2020
Around Southern California

1-second tones followed by 1-second silences
repeated on the violin at 1000Hz until an exact duplicate number of vibrations occurs
(as measured by a PD patch)

May 20, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Digital playback of frequency ratios that are Pythagorean triples

May 19, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

All melodies consisting of every permutation of each partition of 6 notes into 1 to 6 unique pitches

May 18, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone if I sneezed on the day of the performance before the perfomance

May 17, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone if the number of days since my birthday is prime

May 16, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Tone-based Rock, Scissors, Paper: two players play pitches simultaneously on the count of 3. F beats E, F# beats F, E beats F#.
Play until someone has won 100 times.

May 15, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Digital playback of building a 200Hz signal in 4 wave shapes (sine, square, sawtooth, triangle) 3 times each,
each time using an additive series of one of the other 3 wave shapes (12 builds in all)

May 14, 2020. 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 70-note all-pentachord pitch strings

May 12, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone every time I have the urge to look at the clock to see how long the piece has been going on for

May 11, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Simultaneous ascending and descending chromatic scales between E4 and E5,
in which the ascending scale consists of increasing durations 1, 2... 13
and the descending scale consists of decreasing durations 13... 2, 1

May 10, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone every time someone tries to contact me (email, text, call, DM, etc.) in realtime

May 9, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Peter Ablinger: Countdown
(choose any number to start with; count down to zero)

May 8, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Collections of pitch sets that have strongly isographic Klumpenhouwer networks

May 5, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Integer ratios of tone and silence (one ratio each minute)
(1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 3:2, 4:1, 4:3, 5:1, 5:2, 5:3, 5:4, etc.)

May 4, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 4-octave ascending chromatic scale in which each pitch is sustained for 10000 vibrations

May 3, 2020. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone is played with frequency and duration determined by the moment it is begun to be played
Frequency (in Hz) follows the formula F = 1000 * 1/2 ^ (S/Y) and Duration (in seconds) follows the formula D = 10 * 2 ^ (S/Y)
where S is the number of seconds since 12:40pm PDT on April 30, 2020 and Y is the number of seconds in 100 years
(The pitch drops 1 octave every 100 years from the moment the piece was written, the duration doubles every 100 years)

May 2, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A violin drone accompanied by a sine tone oscillator, which follows a curve of pitch = -(1/time)+A
where A is randomly chosen to make the maximum pitch of the oscillator range anywhere from one semitone above the violin pitch to equal to the violin pitch
(random so that the moment and speed of the sine tone crossing the violin pitch is unknown ahead of time)
(the unit of time is scaled to the duration of the performance)

May 1, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

"Outside &" by Peter Ablinger:
an outside microphone transmits sound into the performance space with a slight a delay.
the performers hear the sound in headphones with no delay and imitate the outside noises so as to sound in unison to the audience.

April 30, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I asked people to send me strands of matieral that I could attach to a hair-less violin bow and use to play a single stroke on an open A string
(paper, leather, silk, copper, felt, for example)

April 28, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

24-note pitch strings in which pitch N is determined by rolling an N-sided die

April 27, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An hour of invertible counterpoint
from C.P.E Bach's "Invention by which Six Measures of Double Counterpoint can be Written without a Knowledge of the Rules"

April 26, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

6-note ascending chromatic scale, played in various distributions of durations summing to 20 beats

April 24, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An electronic tone every 60 seconds. I will attempt to play a violin tone 1 second before each electronic tone

April 23, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification of my height, measured in millimeters every hour while awake, over a period of many days
(1 semitone per millimeter)

April 21, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

60 minutes, 1 pizzicato tone per minute, each tone on a unique second within its minute, randomly ordered

April 20, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonifications of tennis games. A tone every time the ball bounces
(unique tones for out-of-bounds, in bounds, racket, and net for both sides: 8 tones total)

April 18, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of integer frequences (in the violin range) generated by code in the programming language FRACTRAN
(code: 25/32 11/8 8/7 14/33 21/11 6/5 34/27 26/17 38/39 21/19; initial value: 441)
in memory of John Conway

April 16, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A quiz of singing Gregorian chants normally and in inversion and trying to decide which is the original

April 8, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An hour of combinatorial dice-game minuets from Johann Kirnberger's "Der allezeit fertige Polonoisen und Menuettencomponist"

March 26, 2020. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The pitch during beat N is determined by which decimal digit has had the most occurances by digit N of pi
(ties are played as ascending tuplet scales within a single beat)

March 25, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Random selections from the possible melodies using permutations of 12 chromatic pitches and 5 durations (each pitch/duration combination once)
as described in Francesco Galeazzi's "Elementi teorico-practici di musica"

March 24, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of random pitches in a 2-octave range played on the violin
while a sine tone glissandos towards the current violin pitch at a slowly increasing rate

March 22, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 44-note all-heptachord pitch strings

March 20, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone is sounded during second N if N is a palindrome in base 2

March 16, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Excerpts from the Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns
by Nicolas Slonimsky

March 13, 2020. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of sets of seven 6-note sequences.
Each 6-note sequence consists of six unique ascending pitches within an octave.
In each set of seven sequences, the first sequence and the last sequence have no pitches in common, and each sequence has one pitch different from the previous sequence.

March 11, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each minute, an additional second of tone (randomly located within the minute)
(beginning with 1 second of tone)

March 9, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The first 20 sonorities of each movement from the Bach Sonatas and Partitas,
each movement's opening repeated 20x, each time replacing one sonority with the corresponding sonority of the next movement

March 6, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone is sounded during second N if the digits of the base-10 representation of N are all in ascending order

March 2, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Passages from string quartets (by other people) that consist of a single exact back-to-back repetition of a shorter unit
with the Ars Combinatoria String Quartet

February 25, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Perception 1 by Michael Pisaro
(a tone, repeated in durations that reduce by 1/2 each time, until there is no perceivable difference between 2 consecutive tones)

February 20, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

78 tunings of a major ninth chord
with the Ars Combinatoria String Quintet

February 16, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sequences of pitches that begin on A4,
in which each pitch randomly either rises or falls one half step or stays the same as the previous note
until reaching A3 or A5

February 14, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Tuning the violin to A=440, then A=439, then A=438, etc.
for an hour

February 12, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Scales of N pitches
with each pitch being the closest 12-TET match to N-1 equal divisions of an octave (in exponentially-scaled pitch-space rather than frequency-space)
for N=2 to N=24.
H/T to Miller Puckette

February 9, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Legato 20-second tones that slowly transform to either 19- or 21-second tones over the course of half an hour

February 6, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Series of random pitches and durations, played simultaneously with their inversion, retrograde, and retrograde-inversion
with the Ars Combinatoria String Quartet

February 1, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A string trio visits the locations of mechanical/electrical drones around the UC San Diego campus (fans, vents, etc)
and sustains 3 additional pitches to create a major seventh chord at each location
with the Windansea String Trio

January 29, 2020. 4:00pm
UCSD campus, San Diego

M5 transformation of Bach's D-minor partita
(with D=0)

January 25, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The 4 open strings, each plucked 100 times in every duration from 1-100 beats, ordered randomly for each string

January 22, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A circle of fifths as it approximates the unison with increasing accuracy
While I sustain a single pitch (D4), a PD patch will cycle through a circle of fifths
(starting on A4; one tone per second; contained within an octave range)
sounding the tone only if it is closer to the sustained pitch than any previous pitch

January 17, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Rotations of various sets of points on a time/frequency grid
(avoiding any rotations that result in impossible tone simultaneities)

January 14, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Intervals of less than 1 cent, derived by ear on the violin

January 10, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of phrases, each consisting of two tones with their start and end points independently chosen from a set of 10 time points
all combinations, played in random order

January 6, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification of the activity on a public staircase
each step mapped to a pitch; from a live video feed, a pitch is sounded matching the highest step with a foot on it

January 4, 2020. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 3-limit interval of less than 1 cent, derived by ear on the violin

December 22, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone (C4) during second N if N is a complex prime, a different tone (D4) during second N if N+i is a complex prime

November 26, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A pizzicato tone for one beat duration at every tempo from 1 - 200 bpm
first in ascending order then in random order

November 21, 2019. 7:00pm
Combinatorix Salon Series, San Diego

Each minute N, a PD patch will sustain a digital sample value of 1/N (with 1 being the maximum sample value)

November 16, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The first phrase of the opening melody of every minuet by Haydn (played on violin)

November 12, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sonification of the distance I was from the place of my birth during my life so far
one week = one beat, one quartertone = 100 miles

November 7, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Part 2 of series of exercises to derive increasingly small superparticular tuning ratios by ear on the violin
by Christopher Otto

October 25, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will sustain my A string, tuned at the start to 441 Hz, until it falls to 440 Hz

October 17, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of pitches: the pitch of note N is the pitch P (1-12) (which has already been played T times)
which has the lowest value of T * P
(hat tip to Miller Puckette)

October 16, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Output of a program to give the retrograde-inversion of pitch strings, using Stephen Sykes's music-based esoteric programming language Choon

October 14, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

One million vibrations II:
400 Hz sustained for 41'40"

October 12, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

One tone repeated every 10 seconds, moving one degree clockwise around the audience for each repetition

October 10, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various paths that completely fill a 12x12 pitch/pitch (1 octave x 1 octave) lattice (each point played sequentially as a dyad)

October 9, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sets of famous melodies that are pitch/duration anagrams of each other

October 7, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonifications of sequential phone numbers from full pages of old phonebooks
using a standard numeral-to-pitch mapping

October 3, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various combinations of slurred and detached noets
from Edmund van der Straeten's "The Technics of Violoncello Playing" (1905)

September 30, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Numerous sonifications of the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4
utilizing various musical parameters

September 25, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Pitches (microtonal, 1/2 second duration), 8 seconds apart
alternating pitches chosen by me and pitches chosen randomly by a computer

September 23, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Specific pitches which are absent in movements of various famous works

September 19, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 4-octave ascending chromatic scale
Each pitch starts niente and very slowly crescendos. When a blindfolded listener onstage with me indicates they can hear each pitch, I move on to the next pitch

September 16, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various 12-note phrases where each note can sustain the previous pitch or ascend one semitone

September 10, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

1000 bow changes (on a single pitch)

September 9, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone is sounded during second N if the binary representation of N has more 1's than 0's

September 6, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of exercises to derive increasingly small superparticular tuning ratios by ear on the violin
by Christopher Otto

September 5, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Permutations of a hexachord as described in Marin Mersenne's Livre du chant in "Harmonie universelle" (~1636)

August 31, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various paths of a double-pendulum, sonifying the end-weight position each second, mapped onto a 2-octave range

August 29, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Pitch strings that do not occur in the string quartets of Beethoven

August 27, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

SHA256 hashes of the numbers 1 - 100 using a simple character to pitch mapping

August 25, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Two sine tones that have a 1/3600 Hz difference
(hat tip to Anthony Vine)

August 23, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, Minneapolis

A series of basic arithmetic problems in base 12 using a simple number-to-pitch mapping
(15 minutes each of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)

August 21, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, St. Paul

Multiple series of 78 dyads [P1,P2] within a 1 octave range, systematically played, each with duration of (P1 * P2 mod N)
with increasing values for N over the course of the performance

August 19, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in Stillwater, Minnesota

The audience will be let into the performance space at 8:00.
I will have played a 100 Hz tone in the space, for one second, alone, sometime between 7:00 and 8:00

August 16, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in Stillwater, Minnesota

Catalogue of similar melodies II:
melodies by various composers that are very similar to the first melody in the final Agnus Dei of Josquin's Missa L'homme armé sexti toni

August 10, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, Louisville

The Harmonics of Real Strings by John Lely
(a slow full ascent up a single string with harmonic pressure in the left hand)

August 7, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

An open-string drone recorded and simultaneously played back at 99.9% speed

August 2, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

Transcription of the most prominent frequencies in the violin range
during an hour-long recording of traffic on Interstate 5

July 29, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

Gregorian chants that are, using a simple pitch-to-digit mapping, prime numbers

July 25, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Random strings of the 2 pitches B3 and C4, followed by strings of the same 2 pitches composed intuitively by graduate students with the intent to imitate random behavior
One minute of each, alternating

July 24, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 55-note all-hexachord pitch strings

July 22, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Pitches of 200 NYC subway turnstile beeps
arranged by station, south to north; entrance, south to north; turnstile bank, left to right

July 19, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

Repeated attempts to play the maximum number of discrete staccato notes on a single upbow
by Matthew Barber

July 17, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

Catalogue of bird call transcriptions

July 14, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The beginning of a systematic list of valid code in the C programming language
sonified with a simple character-to-pitch mapping

July 11, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

A series of notes at tempo 400 npm
the pitch of each note starts at 100 percent chance of E4 and 0 percent chance D4
and changes 1 percent every 30 seconds to eventually become 0 chance of E4 and 100 chance of D4
(hat tip to Miller Puckette)

July 8, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

A tone is played during second N if all base-10 digits of N are unique

July 6, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various pitch strings containing all pitch-class sets

July 3, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

100 selections from Christoph Graupner's "Canon with 5626 Inversions"
performed by the Windansea String Ensemble

July 1, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

Poems by Georg Trakl, converted to binary code, sonified as the pitch D4 on the G and D string of the violin
by Johannes Kreidler

June 30, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

Various permutation algorithms applied to a chromatic hexachord
c/o David Pocknee

June 25, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sonification of real roots of a sequence of Littlewood polynomials
frequency = 440 * 2^root
violin plays if -1 or 1 is a root
all other roots are sine tones played by a computer (6 seconds per polynomial)

June 22, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

An hour-long performance of J. S. Bach's "Kanon zu acht Stimmen" BWV 1072
performed by the Windansea String Ensemble

June 19, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

12 instruments simultaneously sustain the total duration of each pitch class in a major work by
Stravinsky, Bach, Oliveros, and Babbitt
performed by the Windansea String Ensemble

June 18, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

A series of upwardly-arpeggiated pentachords within the range D4-C#3
in which adjacent chords share no pitches and no two chords are identical

June 14, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of a stick stuck in a ceiling turbine

July 12, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

Melodies of increasing lengths with the lowest density of repeated pitch-class strings

June 8, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

Sonification of the shortest single-digit representations of natural numbers
(numbers 0-9 mapped to pitches G3-E4, +-*/^() mapped to F4-B4)
(hat tip to D. Edward Davis)

June 5, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

My friend D. Edward Davis and I will each begin playing a tone at the same time (in different cities)
and play for exactly as long as it would theoretically take our sounds to reach each other at the speed of sound

May 31, 2019. 11:00am (PDT)
House concert, San Diego and New Haven

"A Long Ascent" by Madison Greenstone
(smallest possible movement of the finger up the string for each tone. 10 seconds tone, 10 seconds silence.)

May 10, 2019
High Desert Soundings, Joshua Tree

I will sustain a single pitch
which will be repeatedly re-harmonized by a series of randomly chosen sinetone trichrods

May 4, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert in San Diego

A tone every time any two hands on an analogue clock form a 90 degree angle
by Dan Ruccia

April 30, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A 1-hour sustained violin tone (~1760 Hz) will be recorded and played back at the end, sped up as a 12-second AM radio signal (535 kHz)

April 29, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification of sequential iterations of the 1-dimensional tribonacci word substitution tiling
(1=F#3, 2=G3, 3=rest)

April 27, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Pairs of tones, played 1 minute apart, which differ in duration by 1 second

April 22, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A new 4-pitch sonority for each audience member
audience allowed to enter the venue one at a time. each chord 1 bow in duration. chords are improvised microtones.
a duo with Nathan Williams

April 14, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Chronological recreations of the tunings of my violin strings when I open the case each morning
as recorded over a 100-day period

April 10, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of a hive of bees

April 6, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

2 players in different cities play 1-second tones (E4), with pauses in between tones, until they play at the same time
(players can not hear each other, but both are broadcast into a single space where the audience is)

April 3, 2019. 7:00pm
House concerts in San Diego, Austin

3 violinists in different cities play a series of 1-second tones every 2 seconds
in the following pattern:
(each of the 3 audiences will hear the same pitch content but in different permutations)

March 29, 2019. 7:00pm
House concerts in San Diego, Seattle, Chicago

Each second, a 1/2 chance for each of the pitches G4, G34, and A4 to be played
(notes sustain if repeated from the previous second)

March 26, 2019. 3:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sustaining a tone until an audience member asks me to stop

March 25, 2019. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The longest notated sonorities from each of J.S. Bach's organ works

March 24, 2019. 8:00pm
Organ rehearsal studio, UCSD

Book 1 of Milton's Paradise Lost
sonified as an E4 for unstressed syllables and an F4 for stressed syllables

March 23, 2019. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A four octave chromatic scale (10 seconds per tone)
but if I hear any audience noise I start over

March 22, 2019. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various patterns of arranging equal amounts of tone and silence into 20-second durations

March 22, 2019. 2:00pm
House concert, San Diego

300 first species counterpoint harmonizations of a single melody
(beginning with versions by Schoenberg from his Counterpoint book)

March 20, 2019. 7:30pm
House concert, San Diego

One dimensional cellular automata - Rule 30
applied to a 100-beat rhythmic pattern

March 20, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Very long single-bow tones, amplified
(starting with 1-minute durations and increasing with each tone)

March 18, 2019. 7:30pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of the frequencies 220 Hz and 330 Hz
filtered from a field recording of the food court at UCSD

March 18, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Ascending tones played for the duration it would take light to reach the performance venue from locations at the moment of performance:
the sun, mercury, venus, the opposite side of the earth, the moon, mars

March 16, 2019. 7:10pm
House concert, San Diego

"Opus 9" by Eric Andersen
(a 30-second tone which lengthens by 5 seconds for every year after the composition date)

March 16, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of a series of games of Operation
(played on the evening before the performance and recorded)
concept by Matt Sargent

March 14, 2019. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone played for the duration of 5000 heartbeats of the performer

March 14, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone is sustained if the current duration of the tone in seconds is less than
the sum of the digits in the binary representation of the total elapsed time of the piece in seconds
(otherwise rest and begin a new tone)

March 12, 2019. 3:00pm
CPMC Recital Hall, UCSD

"aperture" by D. Edward Davis
(on a single tone, slowly moving the bow closer to the bridge with each change of bow)

March 10, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sets of 300 tones with 1 of each 300 a different pitch than the others
(the 2 pitches of each set and the placement of the unique pitch changes from set to set)

March 8, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

1 tone
2 sets of 2 tones
3 sets of 3 sets of 3 tones
(all on a single pitch, each tone 1 second duration, pauses between pitches 1/2 second per level of set boundary)

March 5, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

I will silently read through the score of Bruckner 7 in realtime at tempo
and occasionally play tones from the 1st violin part as they would sound in performance

March 1, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

"Dramatische Studie Nr. 3" by Stefan Streich
(a series of pizzicato tones, the time between each tone increases 1/2 second with each sounding)

February 26, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 6-note motives, each played in sets of the 4 classical transformations
transposed so that all pitches in a 2-octave range are sounded during each set

February 23, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Catalogue of similar melodies I:
melodies by various composers that are very similar to the opening theme of Joseph Haydn's Symphony 20

February 19, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of pitches based on the changing vertical height of a path through Enzo Mari's Progetto 1287, Labirinto
(see Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz's "Score generation with L-systems")

February 16, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A systematic series of polyrhythms with 6 tempos, mapped to 6 pitches (E4 - A4)
chosen such that during a full cycle no more than 2 pitches ever sound simultaneously

February 12, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Very slow detuning of the G string
by Aisha Orazbayeva

February 7, 2019. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Tones sustained for 30 seconds (alternating A3 and Bflat3)
with various durations and positions of silence midway through each tone

January 26, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of clanging from various heating pipes in New York City apartments

January 23, 2019. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

40-minute ascending octave glissando
concept by Jeb Bishop

January 19, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

8 second tones (D4) separated by 8 seconds of rest
Also an extremely soft 1 second sinteone (also D4) randomly sounded during each minute

January 15, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Single-bow tones played within the octave E5-E6 until a frequency is repeated
(accurate to within 1 Hz)
(performed with the aid of a computer)

January 12, 2019. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of a pair of shoes tumbling in an electric dryer
concept by Matt Sargent

January 8, 2019. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each minute, 2 tones (D4 and E-flat4) are played, each for one second, each independently and randomly placed in time

December 20, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each minute, a tone (D4) is played for one second, randomly placed in time

December 19, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A slow gliss following the equation:
pitch = 2 ^ (((4 * sin(3t) - 10 * sin(9t) + 8 * sin(7t) - 5 * sin(2t) + 1 * sin (11t) - 6 * sin (12t))/4 + 6) / 12) * 210
where pitch is measured in Hz and t measured is increments of 10 minutes
(played with the aid of a computer)

December 10, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various overlappings of the tuplets 2:3, 3:2, 3:4, and 4:3 over a duration of 8 beats

December 7, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each second, a 1/1000 chance that a tone is played
(performed with the aid of a computer)

December 3, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Fractal expansions of common musical ornaments

November 30, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of my attempts to push my file cabinet back and forth across my office
(tone during movement, silence during rest)

November 28, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 30-second tones divided into an increasing number of equal durations (2 - 70 divisions)
separated by 10 seconds of rest

November 26, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, Louisville

A sustained violin tone played in unison with a sine tone oscillator
(highlighting the changes in tone/pitch of the physical violin being played)

November 16, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Pairs of 11-limit intervals in which the second interval contains 1 more vibration than the first interval
vibrations measured by adding the fundamental frequencies of both pitches, multiplied by duration (A=440)

November 14, 2018. 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

383542 : 399091 : 404558 : 415954 polyrhythm (partial sequence)

November 12, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every pattern of bowing (tying) a phrase consisting of twelve quarter notes (on pitch D4)

November 10, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sonification of recent football scores from around the world mapped to pairs of pitch classes

November 7, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone played for the duration of a tennis ball rolling on the floor
repeatedly set in motion (after a pause) by either the player (by foot) or another (by hand)

November 5, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 15-second-duration tones
each systematically subdivided into 2 shorter durations with superparticular ratios
(1:2, 2:3, 3:4, etc.)

November 3, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of pairs of phrases, each phrase consisting of alternating tone and silence
each phrase is a palindrome. pairs of phrases are inversions of each other.

November 1, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification of games of 3-cushion billiards (a tone each time a cushion is hit)
the 24 edge sections mapped to pitch, each ball mapped to an articulation

October 28, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sustained violin tone attempting to play in unison with a moving sine tone oscillator
sine tone can change pitch randomly each millisecond at a maximum rate of 1 Hz per second

October 26, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Oscillating two strings back and forth slowly with fingers
to create a perfect 5th of frequencies 1/20 Hz and 1/30 Hz

October 23, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Every 4-note chord playable on the violin in first position

October 20, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

As many repetitions of a tone as there are people in the audience

October 17, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of single-bow tones with long silences in between
the performer listens to an hour-long ascending electronic sweep over the interval of an octave (inaudible to the audience)
when a new tone sounds, it is sustained at the pitch of the sweep at the moment the tone begins

October 15, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Realtime sonification of trains arriving (coming to a stop) in the Canal St. Station for an hour
each train (uptown and downtown are separate) mapped to a different pitch, pizzicato

October 13, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, Brooklyn

Various paths of ascending pitch from A3 to A4, utilizing microtones
followed by
Various paths of increasing duration of a tone from 1 second to 10 seconds

September 28, 2018. 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Kolakoski sequence on pitches B4 and C5 (repeated pitches are sustained without reattack)

September 24, 2018. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone is played during second N if all base-10 digits of N are even

September 22, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A point moving at a constant rate along a straight line drawn through a P1 Penrose tiling
pitch determined by which of the 6 tile shapes the point is in

September 19, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various paths of solving a Rubik's cube
12 pitches represent clockwise and counterclockwise turns of the 6 sides

September 17, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sustained tone played in full bows
each bow N of duration equal in seconds [floor((sin(N)*100 - floor(sin(N)*100)) * 100)]^2 / 350 + 1

September 15, 2018. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

61 rotations of a straight line on a time/pitch grid, 5.9 degree change on each rotation
(grid dimensions: 1 minute duration maximum, 1 octave pitch change maximum)
1 minute duration for each rotation, starting at a flat-line sustained pitch for 1 minute

September 12, 2018. 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of a pan of popcorn popping, slowed down to a 1-hour duration

September 10, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 7-note all-interval-class rows that are prime numbers in base 12

September 9, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each minute, on the minute, (for 61 minutes), a tone
Duration of the tone begins at one second and increases by one second each minute

September 2, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The eight points of a cube, through various rotations
mapped onto a pitch/time grid

August 28. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone is played during second N if (N*2+1) is prime
August 20. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of randomly chosen permutations of 8 randomly chosen pitches in the range D4 - C#5 (duplicate pitches permitted)
A new set of pitches is chosen every 10 minutes

August 16, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Each new bow is a new frequency corresponding to the average pitch of a unique phrase of seagull calls
as recorded over a day in La Jolla cove

August 12, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 20-second-duration tones, each systematically subdivided into 5 shorter durations with simple integer ratios
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) (1, 2, 3, 4, 6) (1, 2, 3, 5, 6) (1, 2, 4, 5, 6) etc. (indicated by change of bow)

August 5, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A tone: 25 beats sustain, 16 beats rest; repeated 200 times at tempo 144 bpm

July 30, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Repeated shuffling of a deck of cards (starting with a new deck)
Each suit mapped to a string, each number/face to a pitch

July 23, 2018. 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

4-part all-partition arrays played on the 4 strings
(each partition played in the order left to right, bottom to top)

July 15, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

72 hours mapped onto 72 minutes
A tone is played during second N of the performance if I spoke during minute N of the 72-hour observation period

July 6, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

During each minute number M,
a tone is sustained during seconds which are multiples of numbers 2 through M+1. The other seconds are rests

June 22, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

2-voice canon at the unison
Notes in voice 1 played every beat with a duration of half a beat, pitch is D4 or E4 (randomly chosen)
second voice enters after 9.5 beats

June 19, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

20000 beats
2 nearby frequencies (played on 2 strings) phase across each other 20,000 times
(performed with the aid of a computer)

June 15, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A drone (open string) played against a pitch that oscillates (maximum of +/- a minor second from the drone)
The pitch of the oscillating note is an exact slowed-down replica of the waveform of the dyad being played
(performed with the aid of a computer)

June 12, 2018. 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

2-voice prolation canons that are also palindromes
(each voice on a single pitch)

June 10, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Just intervals corresponding to the time (hours and minutes)
the performance lasts from 20:05 to 20:59

June 4, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

2-voice canon at the 5th
Voice 1 notes randomly chosen from pitches D4 - A4. Voice 2 follows after 3 notes pitches A4 - E4
Each dyad sustained for a full slow bow

June 1, 2018. 4:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of randomly-created pitch/duration palindromes of varying lengths

May 28, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcriptions of a table tennis ball falling down various stairwells

May 21, 2018. 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

2-voice canon at the major second (each voice a single pitch)
Each beat, the line either sustains or rests (determined randomly). The 2nd voice enters after 10 beats

May 15, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

100 digits of pi in bases 2 through 100
using a simple digit to pitch mapping

May 10, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

2-voice canon at the major second (each voice a single pitch)
The voices alternate. A new pitch begins every 10 seconds
The duration of each pitch is randomly chosen from 1-20 beats at 120 bpm
The canon has a 10-note delay

May 8, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Oscillations of a point on the surface of the water at La Jolla Cove
slowed down and mapped into pitch

May 6, 2018. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

2-voice duration canon at the major second (each voice a single pitch)
Voices alternate each tone without overlap or gap
Each note in the line has a randomly chosen duration 1-10 beats
Identical durations in the imitating voice with a 10 note delay

May 1, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

One million vibrations
320 Hz sustained for 52'05"

April 26, 2018. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Single melody constructed from statistical anaylsis of Gregorian chants

April 15, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Deriving various commas
(greater/lesser diesis, pythagorean, syntonic, diaschisma, kleisma, schisma, ragisma, etc.)
performed with cellist Judith Hamann

April 8, 2018. 7:00pm
Bread and Salt, San Diego

Durations of a repeated pitch taken from an r/counting "tug of war" thread.

April 3, 2018. 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Ascending prime numbers in base 12
digits mapped to pitches

March 28, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Walking the Chartres labyrinth
pitch mapped to circuit, string mapped to quadrant, duration mapped to constant walking pace

March 21, 2018. 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Paths through a 4x4x4 cube set on a pitch/duration/volume grid

March 1, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

3 alternating pitches sustained for durations of breathing stages (in, out, rest)
as measured during an hour of my sleep.

February 17, 2018. 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

2 alternating pitches sustained for durations of swash oscillations at a point in La Jolla Cove
measured during an hour the day of the performance

February 12, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Alternating tone and rest (from my Series for any Solo Player)
C#5 played for 20 beats at tempo 107 bpm and then rest for 7 beats at tempo 95 bpm. Repeat 162 times

January 23, 2018. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Pizzicatos on open G
played until exactly 3 seconds apart (to the nearest millisecond as measured by a computer)

January 14, 2018. 5:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Random pitches with various probability distributions
(normal, beta, exponential, erlang, chi-squared, etc.)

December 11th, 2017. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

From the tradition of change ringing, the Avalon Delight Maximus method
(applied to a chromatic scale)

November 27th, 2016. 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Bridge hands played out, taken from the New York Times bridge column
Each suit mapped to a string, each card to a pitch

October 2nd, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of a dripping faucet

September 9, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An oscillating pitch, for which the frequency is an exact slowed-down replica of the waveform of the note being played
(performed with the aid of a computer)

September 5, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of notes in which the pitch of the Nth note is deterimed by the number of factors of N.
(Prime numbers are rests)

August 14, 2017. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various sorting algorithms used to sort randomized pitches into a chromatic scale (sonifying each step)
(merge, insterstion, quick, bubble, heap, counting, shell, comb, buecket, radix, etc.)

August 1, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

9th iteration Cantor Set as a rhythmic pattern on a single pitch

July 13, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Different ways of dividing a 12-note chromatic collection of pitches into 6 unique intervals

June 28, 2017. 7:30pm
House concert, San Diego

Pitch collections with frequencies based on the ratios of coefficients of the polynomials that have a root at -2

June 19, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

An arrangment of Tristan and Isolde for solo violin where each measure is mapped onto one beat.
A tone is played if Tristan sings in the measure, and a different tone is played if Isolde sings in that measure.

June 6, 2017. 9:00pm
The Dog Star Festival, L.A.

A softly sustained tone, amplified by the volume envelopes from a live feed of the waves at La Jolla Cove

June 4, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Small pebbles rolled down the back of the instrument (in this case a cello)
one at a time, at regular intervals, attempting to create the same path each time

May 23, 2017. 7:30pm
House concert, San Diego

Harness sequences from classic 12-shaft weaving patterns

May 22, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Random computer-generated sine waves of frequencies 200 - 1000 Hz (5 seconds duration)
followed by my attempt to match the pitch on the violin wihtout adjustment (5 seconds duration)

May 15, 2017. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Transcription of a fly trapped in a box

May 3, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Segments of various continuous mathematical functions mapped onto an octave (as a glissando)
(each function begins at (0, 0) and ends at (60, 12), played over the course of 1 minute)

April 29, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of chess openings (with dyads indicating coordinates of moves)

April 18, 2017. 7:30pm
House concert, San Diego

Melodies based on various texts. One tone per word.
The pitch of each tone is determined by how many times the corresponding word has been used so far in the text

April 14, 2017. 7:30pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of 48-note all-(47)-interval rows

April 11, 2017. 6:30pm
La Jolla Public Library, San Diego

10000 repetitions of a single pitch

April 6, 2017. 7:00pm
Bread and Salt, San Diego

Towers of Hanoi
The three stacks represented by three strings, pitch up from the open string represents stack height, duration represents disk size

April 1, 2017. 7:30pm
House concert, San Diego

Counting - by drawing the numerals on the surface of the string with the bowhair
(wihtout losing contact with the string)
March 27, 2017. 7:30pm
House concert, San Diego

Sonification of long division
(on 2 strings: one for the answer, one for the remainder as they develop)

March 20, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

4087:6527:7169 polyrhythm
(on 3 pitches)

March 16, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Various molecules
encoded in InChI, and translated into pitches using a simple mapping.

March 1, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Measuring time: a system that divides the day into units in base 12
Each violin string maps the units at different orders of magnitude
4-note chords tell the time. (4 open strings at midnight)
Corresponding time-chords are played at various moments throughout the performance

February 20, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A series of Knight's Tours through a simple pitch/duration grid

February 19, 2017. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

One dimensional cellular automata - Rule 110
in 2 parts:
-applied to a scale of pitches
-applied to a rhythmic pattern

January 17, 2017. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

The square root of 2 expressed in binary (1 = pizz open G string, 0 = no pizz)

December 13, 2016. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Sets of 200 pitches generated by various methods of randomness and pseudo-randomness
(dice, atmospheric noise, mersenne twister, card shuffle, coin flip, xorshift, roulette wheel, lava lamp, middle square, etc.)

December 3, 2016. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Spelling consecutive words from the dictionary using a simple letter-to-pitch mapping

November 19, 2016. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Reverse and add process until palindrome on various numbers in base 12
using a simple digit-to-pitch mapping

November 1, 2016. 6:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Logistic map
The frequency of the pitch on each bow (f) is based on the frequency of the previous pitch (F):
f = {[(F - 330) / 330] * (1 - [(F - 330) / 330]) * (pi + 0.8)} * 330 + 330

October 21, 2016. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Most common frequency (in the violin range) detected each day from a microphone outside my house
Monitored for one year
One bow = one day

September 15, 2016. 8:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A catalogue of notated ornaments from instrumental music of the last 500 years, arranged by contour and interval content

September 8, 2016. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

A sustained tone that rises in pitch 1 Hz each bow change

August 23, 2016. 7:00pm
House concert, San Diego

Random pitches and durations (played softly)
(derived from's atmospheric noise algorithm)

August 3, 2016. 7:00pm
Low Gallery, San Diego

A sonification of the first 4000 prime numbers mapped onto a chromatic scale
(P mod 13)

July 22, 2016. 7:00pm
The silo at Bread and Salt, San Diego

Selections from Gaylord Yost's "Exercises for the Change of Position"

July 20, 2016. 7:00pm
The silo at Bread and Salt, San Diego

From the tradition of change ringing, the Palatino Surprise Maximus method
(applied to a chromatic scale)

July 18, 2016. 7:00pm
The silo at Bread and Salt, San Diego